Copyright © Shenzhen Reach Tech Co., Ltd.
Video port
Port number for i
Audio port
Port number for i
Maximum Transmission Unit
Range: 1~255, and the value must be greater than
cross-segment transmission.
Different TOSs can be set when supported by the transmission device.
Traffic Control
exceeding a certain limit.
Ceiling (%)
Ceiling is the limit parameter for setting the peak bandwidth, which can be
set within the range of 1~100 (%).
2Mbps, the ceiling (%) is set to 10 and the upward fluctuation of network
packets will not exceed
The address format of the receiving end, such as VLC, is
Where, “554” is the default port nbumber
from “streams”>>“RTSP Config
encoder. After modification, please fill the receiving address according to the acutual
Copyright © Shenzhen Reach Tech Co., Ltd.22 / 33
Port number for input video transmission.
Port number for inputaudio transmission
Maximum Transmission Unit, range: 228~1500 bytes.
Range: 1~255, and the value must be greater than 1 during
segment transmission.
Different TOSs can be set when supported by the transmission device.
Traffic Control,prevents the network packets sent from the encoder from
exceeding a certain limit.
Ceiling is the limit parameter for setting the peak bandwidth, which can be
set within the range of 1~100 (%). If the encoding code rate is set to
2Mbps, the ceiling (%) is set to 10 and the upward fluctuation of network
packets will not exceed
s format of the receiving end, such as VLC, is: rtsp: //[encoder
is the default port nbumber, which can be set in the “Server Port” field
Config”, and the setting can take effect after reboot of the
After modification, please fill the receiving address according to the acutual
User’s Manual
1 during
Different TOSs can be set when supported by the transmission device.
revents the network packets sent from the encoder from
Ceiling is the limit parameter for setting the peak bandwidth, which can be
code rate is set to
2Mbps, the ceiling (%) is set to 10 and the upward fluctuation of network
encoderip]: [554]
which can be set in the “Server Port” field
and the setting can take effect after reboot of the
After modification, please fill the receiving address according to the acutual