Connecting the RDS Encoder to a local PC or a serial data source
The RDS encoder is equipped with two communication ports. Both ports are universal, so they accept complete set of ASCII commands, a
connection from the Windows control software and UECP records (depending on setup).
Connection to a USB port of the PC
Standard USB interface is provided on B-type connector on the rear panel of the RDS encoder. Connection to USB port of your PC is possible
via standard USB A-B cable.
USB driver must be installed prior to start communicating. Virtual COM port feature provides seamless compatibility with all software.
The port 2 (USB) speed is fixed at 19200 bps.
Connection to a serial port of the PC
Standard RS-232 interface is provided on D-SUB9 male connector on the rear panel of the RDS encoder. This connector allows direct
connection to a PC using a standard serial laplink cable (null-modem, crossed). It does not require any PC driver. Any commercially available
Ethernet to RS-232 adapter can be connected as well, giving remote connection ability to the RDS encoder.
On the PC side locate an unused COM port. If the free port exists in the form of a 25-pin connector, use a standard D-SUB9 (male) to D-
SUB25 (female) adapter. Make sure the COM port is enabled in the PC’s BIOS Setup.
RDS Encoder
2 (RxD)
3 (TxD)
3 (TxD)
2 (RxD)
4 (DTR)
6 (DSR)
5 (GND)
5 (GND)
6 (DSR)
4 (DTR)
7 (RTS)
8 (CTS)
8 (CTS)
7 (RTS)
It’s preferable to use standard serial laplink cable terminated with 9-pin female connector on the PC side and 9-pin female connector on the
RDS encoder side. The table above represents the full connection diagram. In most cases (no flow control) the three highlighted wires are
enough for the connection.
The port 1 (RS-232) speed is configurable in range 1200 to 19200 bps.
Connection to a DCE device
This kind of connection applies to most data sources equipped with D-SUB9 female connector.
RDS Encoder
2 (RxD)
2 (TxD)
3 (TxD)
3 (RxD)
4 (DTR)
6 (DSR)
5 (GND)
5 (GND)
6 (DSR)
4 (DTR)
7 (RTS)
8 (CTS)
8 (CTS)
7 (RTS)
It’s preferable to use standard direct RS-232 cable terminated with 9-pin female connector on the DCE side and 9-pin male connector on the
RDS encoder side. The table above represents the full connection diagram. In most cases (no flow control) the three highlighted wires are
enough for the connection.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
D B 9 m ale
5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6
D B9 fem ale
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
D B9 m ale
D B 9 m ale