Software Installation
Establishing a First Communication with the RDS Encoder
The RDS encoder should be configured via local port (port 1) before first use. Alternatively, the configuration can be made using the embedded
The encoder comes initialized from the factory.
The encoder is pre-configured in order to obtain the IP address from DHCP.
Thus, in the
DHCP enabled environment, the first connection with the encoder can be established using a web-browser and typing the assigned IP address
into the address field. See more details in section 3.1 of the document ‘P132 RDS Encoders – Communication Ports and Internet Functions’.
For local configuration via port 1, please follow these steps:
Install the Windows control software called ‘Magic RDS’, run the setup exe file and go through the simple installation wizard.
In the case of USB connection install the USB driver now.
TIP: Latest operating systems already come with the USB driver included.
Make sure the RDS encoder is connected and powered, and all connectors are seated completely.
Run the Magic RDS software using Windows Start button.
Open the Preferences (Options - Preferences) and set up the connection parameters. Choose the Serial RS232/USB connection type
and select the COM port the RDS encoder is connected to. If the RDS encoder is connected via USB and was recognized correctly in
Windows, you may find/change the COM port number in Windows Control Panels - System - Hardware - Device Manager or simply click
on the List button.
Close the Preferences. You should see "Connected" or "Opened" in the status bar. Now you are ready. The settings are saved
The status bar at the bottom of the window shows whether the data was sent successfully. If Communication Error! is shown, check the
connection to the RDS encoder, its power supply and that the correct COM port is selected in the Preferences dialogue box.
Follow the instructions from the application Help.
Note: The RDS encoder contains two types of memory. These are marked as RAM and EEPROM. Like any other computing system the RAM
holds all operational data which are also used for transmission whilst the EEPROM is used for the data storage during power-off. By default the
button Send will fill the RAM only. The button Store will fill the RAM and also stores the data into EEPROM. The Store button behavior can be
changed in Options - Preferences - Controls.
If the user forgets to store the data into EEPROM, the settings will be lost when the power is disconnected.