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When the wiring harness is positioned inside the wing and accessible, 

servos can be installed. 


First, check the position of the servos to make sure they are all 

symmetrical (In the same place) in each wing. 


Install the control rods on to the servos and check that they do not bind, 

are snug but not too loose or to tight. 


Tape the control surfaces flat with masking tape. 


Assemble the completed set of servos, and control rods.  


When you are satisfied that you have the correct position for the servo – 

glue them in using a slow set epoxy,


When cured and secure, connect the servos to the wring harness and 

check for zeros, then for free and adequate movement. Adjust using the 

clevises if needed. (See the control settings section a the back of this 

manual for control movements) 


Finally, check the fit of the servo hatch covers and sand if not snug.  


Then put some double sided tape on the underside and install all on to 

the servos hatches. 

