RCA WRW3705R Скачать руководство пользователя страница 14

Содержание WRW3705R

Страница 1: ...sumer Services 27 Sorting Clothes II 5 13 Controls Setting Guide 8 9 Stains II 20 Cycle Settings 6 7 DelicateWashSvstem 2111 9 Stain Removal Guide Storage and VacationTips 26 User Maintenance Instructions 26 Detergents Other Additives15 19 Energy Saving Tips 12 Warran BackCover Fabric Softener Dispenser 8 Hard Water 18 Limestone Deposits 16 Loading the Washer 5 14 Model and Serial Numbers 2 I 1 us...

Страница 2: ...not store or usegasoheorother metiately d yourgassupp ier froma fl able vaporsandfiqtiti h thevictity neighbor s phone FOUOW thegassupptier s of Ms oranyotherapplimce titructiom mT To Do w You sm GAS Myoumot reachyow gassupptier CM thefie department Donottrytotightmy apptiancee Donottouchanyelectiicd stitch donot Imtiation md servicemustbepetiomed useanyphoneinyow btiting bya qUaM ed h er servicea...

Страница 3: ...that havebeencleanedin washedin soakedin orspottedwith combustible orexplosive substances suchaswax paint gasoline degreasers dry cleaning solvents kerosene etc whichmay igniteorexplode Donotaddthesesubstances tothewashwater Donot use these substances around yourwasherand ordryerdurhg operation WAWm HmROGEN GAS isproduced bythechemical action withinyourwaterheaterand thegas canaccumulate inthewate...

Страница 4: ...Cycle Selector knob to an 0 positiondoesNOT disconnect the appIiancefrom the power supply Do not tmper tith controls Do not operatethis applianceif it is damaged _ malfunctioning partiallydisassembled or has missingor broken parts includinga damaged cord or plug QNeverclimb on or standon the washer top oDo not wash fiberglassarticlesin your washer Skin irritationcould resultfrom the remaining part...

Страница 5: ...oreinformation FabricSoftenerDispenser eSeeHowto Use theBleach Forinformationonbleaches Dispensersectionforinformation andfabricsofteners seeOther on the BleachDispenser LaundryProductssection eClosethelid Washerwillfill butnot agitateor spinwiththe lid open setting thecontrols Usethe ControlsSettingGuideto helpyoumakethe properselections SelectWash SpinSpeed SelectWaterLevel LOW Washeris lessthan...

Страница 6: ...nkles in permanentpressshirts blouses dresses and similar apparelwithnormalsoil 1 flFF PERM PRESS A combinationof agitationandsoakprovides effectivepolyesterknitslaundering An early andlongsprayrinsecoolsdownfabricsbeforethe washerreachesmaximumspinspeedto helpprevent wrinklesetting SYSTEM pER ANEm h PRESS CYCLES COOLOOWN OFF START DELICATE CYCE Delicate washsystem For thoselightlysoiledarticlesth...

Страница 7: ...cYclF A MEDIUM HEAW SOIL WhatHappensinEachSettiIIg Approximate Minutes Spin 3 Rinse 3E S in 17 Total Time I 37 3ti 3ti 3 I 3 7 7 7 I 45 I I 28 I 22 11 I 23 Permanent Delicate Press Wash 1015 NOTES Totattimeincludespausesbetweeneachphaseof thecycle Total timedoesnotincludewaterf lltimes FiIltimes varydepending onhouseholdwaterpressureandyour selectedwaterlevel 7 ...

Страница 8: ...abricsoftenerwillautomaticallybe dispensed at the propertime Do notstopthewasherduringthefirstspin Thiswillcausethe dispenserto emptytoo soon WhenusingtheFabricSoftenerDispenserwith theDELICATE WASHsystem useone 1 teaspoon 5 ml of concentratedsofteneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml of dilutedsoftener Do notusetheFabricSoftenerDispenserwith the SoakCycle oIf thedispensergetsclogged soakit in a solution m ...

Страница 9: ...rsections aCloselidandsetconwols asfollows SetWaterLevelto DELICATE P WASHSYSTEMposition n low HIwl SelectdesiredWash Spin w nEsEl speedandthe Wash Rinse wM temperatureaccordingto thefabricsyouare washing VAA l E WA LEVELS PushtheCycleSelectorKnobin andturnit clockwise toDELICA WASHSYSTEMsetting PulloutCycleSelector knobto startwasher GWhenwashingstockings pantyhoseandother easilytangleditems alwa...

Страница 10: ...ermanentPressCycles PermanentPressSettings Down filled garments if machine washingis recommended Warm MediumorLightSetting RegularCycles BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets ReceivingBlankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate Normal Fast Hot dependingonamountof soil Gentle Slow DelicateCycle Setat Startor DelicateWashSystem LightSetting Warm RegularCycles Blankets wool Ptar...

Страница 11: ...e GARMENTMUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersin a coveredpailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateembrand Youmaypreferto usea mildtypedetergent Dohand knitgarmentsbyhandorbyDelicate WashSystemcontrolsystem Fillwasher adddetergent andallowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanket...

Страница 12: ...aturesettingon your washer temperatures approximately90 F 110 F 32 C 38 C orhand comfortable If younotice thatsoilhasaccumulatedafter severalconsecutivewashings useHotWashoccasionally if safefor fabrics oTryto washlessoften Save articlesof the sametypeof fabricuntilyouhavea fullload If you mustwashsmallerloads adjustthe amountof water Small loadsshouldhavelowerwater levels Washin off peakutilityho...

Страница 13: ...orwashing Emptypockets brushout cuffs zipzippers snapsnaps hooks andbuttons Do anynecessarymending rips hems tears eCheckall itemsfor areasof heavysoilor stain Removestains SeeStain RemovalGuide Turnpolyknitsinside outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage SoakingandPretreating a goodwayto loosendeepsoils andstains A thoroughsoakingwithdetergent orspecialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embedde...

Страница 14: ...rthe washer hasstirted eTurnoffthewasher eAddanyadditionalarticlesby submergingnextto the agitator Restartthe washer NOTE Whenwashingstockings pantyhoseandothereasilytangled items alwayshandleseparately To minimizetangling werecommend theuseof a net laundrybag ToAddItemsAftertheWasherHasStarted Turnoffthewasher NOTE Whenwashingstockings 4ddanyadditionalarticles pantyhoseandothereasilytangled by su...

Страница 15: ...ndswell Areexcellentas concentrates for removingspots Completelydissolveevenin cold water soaps I Performwellin softwater DisadvaBltages Arenotavailablein someareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hardwater Maybe difficultto dissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldizotbe usedincoldwater Thosecontainingsodium carbonateas aningredientmay causeharmfullimestonedeposits onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardw...

Страница 16: ...e Limestone Btidup eUsea powderedphosphatedetergentor a liquid detergentif theseareavailablein yourarea eInstalla homewatersoftener Thiswillsignificantly reducelimestonebuildup Use a packagednon precipitating watersoftener suchas Calgonbrandwithphosphate GoodWashingPracticesMayDelayLimestone DamagetoClothes Thefollowingrecommendations willtemporarily delay theeffectsoflimestoneonyourclothes Thesea...

Страница 17: ...oad on package 4 Typeof detergent Usingtoolittle 5 Washtemperature detergentis a UsemoredetergentMyouhave commoncause of laundry clothes If youloadyourclothes w first adddetergentnextto the agitator If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethe detergentin 1 Hard water 2 Largeloads problems Always measuredetergent w hot water thenpourdirectlyinto 3 Greasyor oily soils thewashbasket 4 Lowerwa...

Страница 18: ...youhave somanygrains per 1 An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome or gallon 3 8liters andmeansthis 2 Theuse of a packagedwatersoftener Oto 3 grainspergallon 3 8liters SOFT For informationonwatersofteners see the 4 to 10grains HARD guidebelow 11to 19grains VERY HARD 20 grainsandover EXTREMELY HARD AddTMsMuchWaterSoftenerwitha FullWaterLevel Grainsof hardness o 1o I 10 15 15 20 I 20 25 I 25 30 over30 ...

Страница 19: ...ryclothes 2 Someoftoday swashablefabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas 100 cottonflame retardant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric 3 CheckManufacturers CareLabelsforspecial instructions 1 Maybe usedonall kindsof fabrics 2 Is mosteffectiveinhotwater 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reducesstaticelectricity 3 Usecarefully...

Страница 20: ...orinebleachwithonegallon 3 8liters of cool water approximately 80 F 27 C ina sinkorpan Soakstainedarea for 5 minutesandlaunderin washer TheCaseofthe661nvisibIe 9 Stain Foodorcookingoilsonyoursyntheticgarments If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedin thewash maycausestainswhicharevirtuallyinvisibleand theoilyspotsmaypickupdirtfromthewashwater whichyoumaynotnoticeasyouputyourclothes Thentheywillbeco...

Страница 21: ... Apply undilutedliquiddetergent Oldstains Bleachaccordingtothe StainRemovalHintonoppositepage Softenwithoil lardorpetroleumjelly thenspongewith turpentineor bananaoil Launderin warmwater Applyundilutedliquiddetergentandlaunderin warmwater If colorhaschanged youmaybeabletorestoreitbytreating with ammonia orvinegar Ifanystainremains treatwithsafedry cleaningfluid orbleachaccording totheStainRemoval ...

Страница 22: ...addingto washcycle SeeOtherLaundryProductssection e Pillingusuallyon polyester cotton blendsis causedbynorrnal wearandmaylooklike lint Turningclothesinside outmayprovidesomehelp e Staticelectricity y causedby overdryingwillcauseattraction Usefabricsoftenerin rinsecycle Theseare sometimescalled Invisible Stains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washingclothes However if oilysoilsarenot completelyrem...

Страница 23: ...eris yellow it containsbody oil Restorewhitenessfol owing proceduresin GRAYEDCLOTHES above oChlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresinfinishes Use oxygenbleach such as Clorox2 brand Referto GarmentManufacturer s CareInstructions Restorecolor usingcolorremover suchasRitorTintexbrands followingpackagedirections oIronormanganesein watermaycauseoverallyellowingoryellowspots 1 2 3 4 Useextradetergentp...

Страница 24: ...shouldalwaysbe smallerthan regularloads no morethanmediumloadsto giveclothes roomto movefreely eIncorrectwashanddry cycles UsePermanent Press Washcyclewhichprovidesa cooldownrinseto minimizewrinkling AlsousePemanent PressDry cycle Incorrectwaterlevel UseHighWaterLevelforMediumLoad MediumLevelfor SmallLoad o Repeatedwasting in toohot water Washin coldor warmwaterwithplentyof detergent eAccumulation...

Страница 25: ...edby theuseof RegularCyclesfor delicatearticles UsePermanent PressCycle Referto GarmentManufacturer s CweLabels eGarmentsweakenedby age sunor atmosphere Thisis inevitableandis notcaused by washer Toolargeloads or toolittlewater Loadwasheronlywithnumberofitemsthatwill movefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreatwithliquiddetergent eMakesurecordis plugged into Outlet o Makesurebothhot andcoldfaucetsa...

Страница 26: ...le heavyitemora smallloadwhenwaterlevelis sethigherthan necessary the spinbasketmaystrikethe outertub creatingaloud butharmlessnoise Tocorrect openthe lid andredistributetheloadevenlyaboutthewashbasket Close thelid andrestart Washernormallypausesbetweenwashingsteps such as betweenwashandspinor betweenspinandrinse USERMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The b Theporcelainis self cleaning Leavelid ToStoreWashe...

Страница 27: ...xpires Purchasea GEcontract whtieyourwarranty isstillin effect andyou llreceivea substantial dis count Witha multiple year contract you reassuredof futureserviceat today sprices Consumerswithimpairedhearingor speechwho haveaccessto a TDD or a conventionalteletypewriter maycall 800 TDD G C 800 833 4322 to requestservice Telecommunication Device for the Deaf 800 626 2002 kdividuals qualifiedtoservic...

Страница 28: ...ll800 GE CmS 800 432 2737 completely reconditioned transmission Youpay for the shop reconditioning labor the service trip to your home and servicelabor charges W T IS NOT CO RED Servicetrips to your home to teach you how to o Replacementof house fuses or resetting of circuit use the product breakers ReadyourUse and Carematerial If ou then K have any questions about operatig t e product o Failure o...
