RCA HD26W054T Скачать руководство пользователя страница 7

Содержание HD26W054T

Страница 1: ...Changing Entertainm _nt ...

Страница 2: ...ly imprinted on the picture tube or projection IV picture tubes ALSO some network program loges phone numbers black borders sides top and bottom etc might cause similar damage This damage is not covered by your warranty Cable IV Installer This reminder is provided to call your attention to Art cle 820 40 of the National Electrical Code Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 which provid...

Страница 3: ...ally or exhib_s a marked change _n performance E _e appliance has been draped or the enclosure damaged 17 Tilt S ta bility AII televisions mu st corn ply with recom mecd_ internatianal global safety standards fo_ tilt and stability proper ties of its cabinet design Do _oi compromise these design standards by applying excessive pull force to the kent or top of the cabinet which could _ltimate_y ove...

Страница 4: ...of these dots A regular television called standard defi_ition or analog has a rcsok_tion of about 200 000 pixels 480 veJlical pixels x 440 horizor ai pixels 2 il 200 pixe_s _ The HDTV _ ITFI K _S capab _J of morn than 2 million pixels And morn pixels mean gmamr detail So l tlYIW is capable o_ r_ sotution that is up to almost 10 _imes the resolution of the picture on a regular analog TV Integrated ...

Страница 5: ... Jacks 12 Plug in the TV 13 Put Batteries in the Remote 13 Use the Remote Control to Complete the Initial Setup 13 Turn on the TV 13 Complete the Initial Setup 14 Choose the Menu Language 14 Tuning to a Channel 14 What to Expect 15 Watching TV 15 Remote Buttons 16 Component Function Buttons 17 Programming the Remote to Operate Other Components 18 Using the Input Button 19 Remote Code List 20 Expla...

Страница 6: ...ur Password 29 Resetting the Password 29 Format Options 30 Chapter 3 Using the TV s Menu System Sound Menu 31 Picture Menu 32 Setup Menu 32 Parental Control Menu 36 Time Menu 36 Notepad Menu 37 Chapter 4 Other information FAQs Frequently Asked Questions 38 Troubleshooting 39 USA V Chip Rating System 41 Canadian English V Chip Rating System 41 Canadian French V Chip Rating System 42 Limited Warrant...

Страница 7: ...rrangu the duqcus so that air can circulam freely l on t stack devices If yot place devices in a sland_ make sure yoc_ allow adequate vv nlilation If you cons_ect an audio receiver or amplifier place it on the top sheK so the heated air from it wont flowaround other devices Position Cables Properly to Avoid Audio Interference I_surt each cabb firmly into the designated ja l If yoti place devices a...

Страница 8: ...etq _ m_ kes_l yo_ set tt_e signal type Eol b h digital and What You Need to Know This tek visi _ is eq ipped with a QAM Quadrature Amplitk leModuk _io_9 tuner that enablus rcec io of mscrambk d digital cable eonk _t Check with your cable pr _vider Ihr intbrmatb_t about cora _7_ availability in yo_r area Visit www ar_tenr_aweb o_ _ to get help deeidir_g what vype of an e_r_a to use to receive the ...

Страница 9: ...vailable to you By entering where you _he this mapping pro Rram tells you what local analog and digital s_atkms are available using a certain antenna When y _uget to e Au_ Channel Search menu in the Initial Setup make sun y L_ set the S na N ur_ t_t Ana q_4 D u can also choose Both for dgimI and aJnalog Then set the Signal 7 pe Choose AnW_ na or 2_b c dependh _g or_ yo__H connection To complete a ...

Страница 10: ...t video game consoles do trot Please use he fl_llowing chart to de_em3me which co_mectkm is besE t_ r you Note for U S custome_ I _ou prefer w_ caa_ prov 3 rm wflb l_e Name o fan A_tborized 9e_icc l _ resematJt _ wJ_o _vil visit Fof_r _ome for a ce to m _taH 3 o_r 4 ctr mfc emcrlc_mm_ t _lvma zd to i tslrg_ct yo _ in its opt wlioa_ P dclaf s about tbLs _g a_ c ca I _ _1 20 5 59 For add tio mla _ s...

Страница 11: ..._em video input tot better quali_y Tl_e iHustratio_ shows how to connect a DVD to yot_r TV using component Y Pb P_0 and audio cabtes Using the example of a DVD player L Connect your cable and or antenna as described on page 6 If y re re adding a VCR to the connection follow steps 2 4 only 2_ Connect your Y Pb Pr component video cables Comaect hrce vkk o cables or speckd Y Pr cabDs o the Y Pb Pr ia...

Страница 12: ... la For more details about ll_e a_tenna jacks go It_ page 6 Note lj _our I _ ha s AudkVVk o o mT ut ic_cb _ 1 o_ a_ comtecl your TV to the V 7 us _ q a_dio uidu_ cal_h s fi r better quc_H y 5 66 o _ttl JKL MNO _g g O P_B _uv _xYz PRE_lr_ O O _ iNPUT button Viewing the Picture from the Connected Device The dcvk c in this exampkt a D I phycr is onr_ccied t_ the TVs Y Pb Pr jacks To view the DVI play...

Страница 13: ...ct _he Video cable _o _he VtDFO lack on fl_e side o_ the TV and the iack on the vktco game console 3 Connect your a_dio cables Connect the audk _ whic and xx l tI les _o fl_e R rind L A DtO jacks on fl_e IX and to the audio ou_pu_ iacks on the video g_me console Jt_s malch _he co_ors Viewing the Picture from the Connected Device The device in this example a video game_ cons k is oIll_l 2cU_ d lo 1...

Страница 14: ...o _ r_leto the ia k cm the 3N a_ ld the fad on the k v ce 3 Connect yo_r audio cables kmnec_ the audk_ _ ire and red cables t ad_e R and L A 1 10 jacks on tl_e _t _ _md to d e audio o_tpm jacks o1 _ the de_icc Jt_st match the coke s Audio cables Viewing the Picture from the Connected Device The de dee n _hi sexamp e oukl be a VCR DVD pb er s rodlike ree ivur o_ cable box it is connected _o_he i s ...

Страница 15: ...technical term is _Navigati m hov_you mo _e through the t m screen menus lhe method is d_e same tt_rottgl_otlt Iw menL scree_ s highlight your hoice and select it b ose the V s menus press the FV button on the remote control his puts the TV and mmom in TV mode Press the MENU bum n and hig _ligh_ ihe merit iiem you want wid the up a_d dowr_ am w bu tons on the remote Use the _p or down arrow button...

Страница 16: ...gh_ La_ _ua _ _The detauk hmguage is FmgHxb I2_chtx_sc another kmguage press _heright arro_ bution on the remo e choose the language and press OK Analog channel entw Digital channel entry Tuning to a Channel Ann log hanncls display on your TV h_ a rectangk as you cuter the numbers_ You can use the number buttons on the remote to access channe s In the exampIe bek_w you can enter 12 or 012 to get t...

Страница 17: ...arrow and right arrow buttons o_ gheremote lo choose different screen ti_rmats 4 3 16 9 o r Su etch Tl_is is also known as the aspect ratio o to page 30 R_r examples o screen formats Remember If you have a digital s_gnal con meted m you ANTENNA CABLE DIGFIAL INPUT _t_en view digital charmers o_ your Digital Input l he ANTENNA button on the remote tt_nes to tl_e analogidigit_ inpttts Most digital c...

Страница 18: ...utton lights when you pr ss at valid button in DVD mode see page 18 tin more inJimnation FAVORITE Press to brov se the el runnels in your I 7woritv List Refk r to page 36 for more in ormation FORMAT During norton _F_iviev h _g changes tlhe current format aspect ratio and magnification of the image o_ screen The fix mat status appears momentarily Format control s not available for digital 16 9 broa...

Страница 19: ...ou pless a valid himon in VCR mode see page 18 for more ir brmadonL VOL or VOL Decreases or inci eases d_e lV s voklme If the sound has been mumd_ VOL cancds mute Component Function Buttons _Ihe l4 tto_s J_ulov_ are _ctNe onc_ he compo _en_ but_ns 1 VD VCR h_v e been pressed Important 7be remole mgo hog compaiibh _z_iib al mo ls fall bttl_d v _f co_ll _o lctlI ll also t _a F _lot o _wlc dl l _itcH...

Страница 20: ...l f gr _im tilt i eH iote C mir Tostop the automatic _ode search without programming any ompooents press a_d hold CLEAR lUD lIl_lf JC code se irC l direct enl D_ Using Automatic Code Search lTht flJllovdng insvruclkms c m be used to program lhe remote to operate eacl o yol lr coJ riponents If you want to stop the atltom It e code search llVitlrlOUl programming any of your compogen s press CLEAR un...

Страница 21: ...onds to the remote cxmnna_qds l_ yew try all the codes tr_ ryour component bmr_d arid none work tW e automatic code search method If automa ic code search doesn t fred the code the remote is _mt eompatibIe with your eompor_ent How to Use the Remote A er You ve Programmed It lR_caus this univcr_a remote can control dill trent ompon_nts TV DVD VCR it use_ operational modes triggered by the x mponent...

Страница 22: ...21 Mor_o t la 2021 21321 2013 2126 Ma il_eds 2_113 2011_ 2 26 2453 2061 NEC 2009 20 1 2011 2 016 2018 2064 2 1 6 2078 2079 21 1 2123 Nigko 2014 N_l ex 201 t Olympus 2021 Op1 m_is 21 14 2132 Op_e_tica 2096 Panasoidc 202 2_122 2109 2 25 212d 2127 Penlax 2016 2055 20561 21113 21_0 Penmx CResea_vh 2018 Phi co 2021 2022 2042 2063 Phflips 2021 2062_ 2 62124 Pik t 2014 Pro leer 2_i1 0 2055 2080 20_1_ 212...

Страница 23: ...VI players saeiiile receivers cal le boxes am orders a_d video game consoles on _ect the left arid right at_dio jacks IDr sotmd o VIDEO Provklcs composi e video co tnec_ion l le video eonnector is ustlally AUDIO L Provkk _s left a_idi_ coimecHon The ell at_dio conneclor is _stmily white AUDIO R Provktes right mJdio connedior_ The righl audio connector is ustsaily red _ iigJ l_ill I _ To access _ke...

Страница 24: ... L Provides left audio connection The left a_ldio connector is t suaI_y white AUDIO R Provides right at dio coni ection he right radio connector is t sua_y red o access d_ device when using _hese jacks press the INPUF butum on our remote tmti I R_XT appears i _ access it with _ e S Video c mnectkm p_ess iNP JT m_iI Remember Use either the S Video jack or the Video iack with the Audio L and R input...

Страница 25: ...ime_ Displayed v ben yot MilITE the sound The following Channel Banner display is available for analog signals only 12 NBC Disphys the curm_ ct_ mncl and lal e_ assig_cd to d3c dmnnel The following Channel Banner display is available for digital signals only l C_ ItD Displays e current channel and the e mnue abet lhat you entered in the Lisl _ a_d LabeLs screen Press e INF button i_vk e o bring up...

Страница 26: ...Control Note 71_e I A WORD x_n en cg_Ix_atx tbe firx time you _m_r the _ re_tta CbHtro mPn_ _ m the o_ screett _tstr_dm_ts _ cruate potlr I tS SWORD _ts_ g Ibe numbeY b_l_n _s on lbe vmot_ If poufo_et your pa _ _u ord pa e 29 bax _nslr_ ctfons o_f ho_ lo c Sat ge it This feature lets you activate and deactivate paten at mm I tk att res From tl_e t_ IRk A75_L COATROfi menu press the down arrow bret...

Страница 27: ...ental Guidance Suggested TVoG I General Audience TWY7 Directed to Children 7 years and older TV Y All Children Blocking Age Based Ratings You can aulomatk a blo_k all program raiings above a specified agc_ based rating level b block programs with higher rqtings 1 Press the up or down anTow button o scroll to the radng con esponding v_ ith the k wes_ rating you do n _t wa nt the child to watch Pres...

Страница 28: ... welD 5 After o_ Block specific conte lt themes yo_ can change some of the corttem d_emes back to view Blocking USA V Chip Movie Ratings The L_OD k 1 47Z Sscrc_ le_s you deride _ hich TV programs _ a_ amf armor be vie_ ed 1 set Movie programmi g _imi_s 1 Choose Paremal Comr_ fiom the Main Me_m a_d press lhe OK buiton 2_ tlighlight tth_2s ir_the gex_ t atw t_fl _ m _rc scr_en the_ press the rig _t ...

Страница 29: ...atus to b kx k he k_ck icon II appears and all ratings above dee one you selectee change to lode Note Vou m_ st remember go aegis ale Par_ _ at o_itvMfi r az t i_g imHs to tal_e fleck Re er t l_4_e 24 V Chip Exempt Program Block The li_xemH P_x _ns option c ts you decide if programs that dk V Chip recog_ izcs as urlr dc d can __ viowed nratcd TV l rog_ams may include ncxvs sports po i0c_d religiou...

Страница 30: ... with diffcrenl s gnals If you are using the ANTI_t CABL I IGIY _L 7_g77 follow stops bek w tlhen press the down alTr yvv to higlflig M Bh_ck all Press the right or left arrow to bk ck box has check mark or unb ock box doesn t have check mark the channel selected in step 3 Digita_ channels cannot be blocked individually ff you a tv using the ANTI_A 4 AIH Al _ 24LOG LX I tiT theu Block Channel work...

Страница 31: ...t wasn t fl_ere bcl m Sh_ce broadcasters ha_e the abiility to add new ra ings for FV programs _his option lets yot__define more pa_m_e_ers for yoL_r TV viewing_ like parental cor_rois This option and it s name are deper_den_ oJn conteJ_ liom the broadcaster Note O_w_ acq_t _dfi om a broadcasL these z tm_s witl be avaik_b _ Change Your Password Selecting this option let_ you simp c_mtc _ _ev passwo...

Страница 32: ... your model arc 4 3 t5 9 arid Stre ch If you want to adjust your image d oose ari option below Page 36 has lneml int orm titm on screen _ rmats Notes Aspect ratiox art dct rmh _d the broadcax ct a_d a_tay cha q_ fi o_ oHc p qram I _artotbe_ 7be branat of some vf o cam_ot be chargcdl 4 3 Models HD27F754T HD27F534T andHD32F754T only gray or blacR bars i6 9 format 4 3 Stretch 16 9 Models Ho30wss4r an...

Страница 33: ..._dmalerials bav_ stereo a_Mio 7f_e word STZ Tqt O c_ _ qamo_z the hamwl banner u he _ po_ t_ _e to a pm _ram that is brua ast in sh re z SAP Second Audio Program only available for analog broadcasls Plays the prograu s audio in a second _anguagc if one is available The P _displays tim wo_ d 5 4P in the channel banner when you tune o a program tha_ is broadcast wRh SAP i_ormatiog SAP audio is broad...

Страница 34: ...toggle among th_ choices lislcd heR w P ture Preset Press fl_e right arrow Patton to scroll throL t the available picture preset settings 5 f Ak_tz_rcd Br gbt orP_ rso_mL Bright_tess Adjusts the brightness of tlie pkt u e Contrast Ad nsts the difference belween file light and dark areas of the picture Color i djusts the ridmess of the color Sha_ness Adjusts the crispness of the edges in the pictur...

Страница 35: ...he 57_ 7 1Wmem _ and press he right or left m ow b_l t 3n Signal Sou _2e Press the right o r et arrow button to select Amdo _ or INgi aL Press the down arrow bretonU _ highlight Label Chamtel Press d_e right or lett arrow bu__ton to select the channel number that y o_ want to gbe a label Press the down arrow t m ton o highlight Label Label Fo_ example if channeI 12 has the ca I letters VXYZ you ca...

Страница 36: ... is used _r displaying capikmii_g in_rmation If you are _urstu e 7_he differences among the modes yott may prclk r m leave the dosed captioned mode set _e CCI which displays complete _ex_ of the program i _ the primary language iu your arc a _g CC Type Digital _go ed Caption Type Luts you select a closed capt _on service mode 1 6 for digital chm_nets Se_ice 1 t nd Service 2 These ct oices a_ __ 0r...

Страница 37: ...the analog channels a_ad a separable list liar the digital channels To set your favoritu chanr_ c s go Io the tcE f olgte 7 _al_rldo tio_ trader the _ ET Wment_ arm press OK Use the right arrow button to select Ar_ak g or D4gitat signal type the 1_ wilt switch to ttat signal Use the clown arrow l_utto_ to select Fa_ t and use the right and eft arrow hc_ttons to scroll th_xmgh the channel rmmbers t...

Страница 38: ...tered and a display which is ll rtraditional 15 programs 16 9 This is t_ r digital signals DVD or video pr _gmms I ha_ are in I6 9 scruen size Stretch ll_e image is suntched to ill the T screen Notes Aspect ratios are determined by the brnadcasteg aTM m_ t cba Tge rom one program to ano_ er 7be fi rmggt q some video cam or be cban ged Tke t Ot IIAT butto_ on the re_ote aL_o changes the TV _ screer...

Страница 39: ... _loterpa 1 se the 17_ttlHl el7 u_ ons o spe I tit yo_Ar _lew _a _ For example above the m_mher bu_ton 7 is the label PQRS The levtcr P is typed by pressing the _tlmber 7 b_ttton one time the leter Q is wped by press_g the mmfl_er 7 two times the letter R s three times and the lelter S is tbur hnes 2 The left arrow hutRm is used to dcJe_e _he unwanted _ex and the right aitow lit on is 1 _7 tile bl...

Страница 40: ...mdfing l_r anak_g and dig ta_ both in the ChamleI S_ mchmetal Ihe TV is looking fl_ aH availatJe channels in the channel dist If you do 5ave digital channels the lWis also sealching for each subchanne of that digital channeL How do i control other devices i ve connected to the TV f _oc_Hse your WV canle with a _l iversa F_DIJA C VOH etH piw graln your rei ote to ilK _ lt o corresponding with the d...

Страница 41: ...TV turns on unexpectedly t77_7 _ _J 7 _ erlllJghl have h l_ seN i t__ pige 36 for instPt 7 k _lls llank screen _ti _ __y t_e orl al_ i_ icti ve _I_mn_I TIT another _ hann_ L e _ _akc slJru yot lave JOnn _ cd de vices t o the 7R cogycc_ly alt t tku all7 ulr l d Oil l you vt_ c or_r_ected another _Jevic _ such as a _ amcorder nr I VD player _Jal_e st_re yot_ sek_ct the Vide _ _t ut Charn_et tha_ is ...

Страница 42: ...Parental Controls Can t select a certain channel The ehanneI nmy Ibe b _cked or nnt _pproved through I 4Rt NT_ ILCON77_OL St_TTLYG S The rating limits don t work I _activate the s_ftti_gs you m_st lock the settings Go to p u_ e 2i for instrt_c_ ons i don t remember my password and i want to unlock the If you f_rget your password you can reset i_ Make snrc the TV is in TV mode and turned ofl _ Pres...

Страница 43: ...ts in tl_is program may include mild fantasy v o_egce FV or comedic violence or may i igtlten children under the age of 7 _ g All Children IlK rues and elements _n this program arc designed for a young audience including dl ldren from agv s 2o6 It is not expected to t righten yom_ger chik ten Canadian English V Chip Rating System 18 Adults Programming i _tended f_ adults I8 and older k may c mtain...

Страница 44: ...of _ c _ ity and well beirlg I t_ere will be _o r_ alistic s enes of vk lence_ Depk_io _s of agg_2ssive behavior will be in x quem al_d limited to p mra3ns_ sthat ai e deady imaginaw comedic or tmrealistic in nature Olher Contem Guidelines There wiU be no offensive language nudity or sexual conmnt Canadian French V Chip Rating System 18 Adults P_ogran_l_ fing _sl_ r aduits _M _Thi s program _onmms...

Страница 45: ...e For sc_ en sizes of 26 and smaller Take you_ RCA television 1I any At _h_fized RCA Tek visinr_ Service Cemer and pick up when repairs aR complete FOr se_2c ensizes Iarger tha_ 26 2 Cor_tact the SePvice Ce _er an l ammge service If your trait is located _ithm fl_e geographic territory covered by am Authorized Service Cellte the Authorized Se_ ice Cenmr will eta her arra_2gc for seBiee to be pe fb...

Страница 46: ...T PROttIBITED BY APPI ICABLE LA V_ ANY IMPLIED V kRRANTT OF MERCIIANTABILI3W OR FITNESS FOR A IL _g IC LAR P RPOSE ON TItIS PR I I 2F IS LIMrI EI TO TtIE APPLICABI E VARRANTY AN WARRANTY PERIOI SET FORTH ABOVE How state law relates to this warranty Some _ t_tes do _d allow _he exch sion nor limitat o_ _f iilciderl a or consequei _i_ dam_ges ol limitations on how king an implied wa_ar_y las_ s so f...

Страница 47: ...e mlmbers e_c might cause similar damage This damage is no_ covered by your warranty FCC Information Thls equipu erlt has been tested alld found to co rlply with the t rilits tor a lass B digi_ d device pursuam to Parl 15 o__the FCC Ruies These limits are designed m provide reasonable p _ tection agains_ harmful inmrfcmnce in a residential inslaHation This eqtlipment generates uses and can radiate...

Страница 48: ...ess listed in this manual or on the carton This will only add delays in service for your product TTE Technology Inc 101 West 103rd Street indianapolis IN 46290 02006 TTE Technology nc RCA and associated marks are trademarks ofTHOMSON S A used under license to TTE Corporation Printed in USA TOCOM 16626760 ...
