Chapter 1: Connections and Setup
Illustrations contained in this document are for representation only.
Relationship among the Devices
This illustration shows a cable company that offers DOCSIS- and PacketCable-compliant voice/data
What the Modem Does
The Residential Voice Gateway provides wired and wireless high-speed Internet access as well as
cost-effective, toll-quality telephone voice and fax/modem services over residential, commercial, and
education subscribers on public and private networks via an existing CATV infrastructure. It can
inter-operate with the PacketCable compliant head end equipment and provide the IP-based voice
communications. The IP traffic can transfer between the Residential Voice Gateway and DOCSIS
compliant headend equipment. The data security secures upstream and downstream communications.
What the Modem Needs to Do Its Job
The Right Cable Company:
Make sure your local cable company provides data services that use
cable TV industry-standard DOCSIS-compliant and PacketCable-compliant technology.
The Internet/Telephony Service Provider (ISP/TSP):
Your cable company provides you access to an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Telephony Service Provider (TSP). The ISP is your gateway to
the Internet and provides you with a pipeline to access Internet content on the World Wide Web
(WWW). The TSP provides you with telephony access to other modems or other telephony services
over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
Check with your cable company to make sure you have everything you need to begin; they’ll know if