How Do I Replace My Remote
• If you need to replace your remote, call 1-800-338-0376. A shipping and handling fee will be charged upon ordering, and the appropriate
sales tax. Have your Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card ready. Your part number is RCR130TA1.
What Else Can I Do?
If you’ve been through the Troubleshooting section and nothing has fixed your problem, try rebooting your TV. Note that after a reboot you may
need to run your TV through the setup process again. To do a reboot, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, power strip, etc. Keep your TV
unplugged for about 5 minutes. Then plug the TV back in, turn on the TV, and see if the problem is fixed. If the problem remains, then please visit for updated FAQs or contact RCA Customer Support at the support number provided in your Warranty under How To Get