Copyright 2018 - RC Audio Systems Limited
Unit 9 Luccombe Business Centre, Milton Abbas, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 OBD
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If you have just purchased a LEVELIZA then thank you very much for doing so, and
I do hope you enjoy the benefits of using this new and revolutionary product.
Best regards, Jon and the RC Audio Systems team.
Application of the LEVELIZA
The LEVELIZA is intended to be inserted into a full range audio signal. When the average perceived
loudness of the signal exceeds the threshold set on the LEVELIZA, the unit will gently attenuate and
"ride the gain" to try to maintain the average perceived loudness around the threshold level.
In this regard the LEVELIZA is a unique device, and the only simple plug and play solution to achieve
a consistent average level throughout an event from an inconsistent source (such as a DJ) without
need for an engineer to ride the gain throughout the event and without the compromises in
performance and dynamic range associated with other limiter/leveller/compressor/AGC options.
The LEVELIZA is not a limiter. It will not protect amplifiers or speakers from clipping/overload, and
system limiters should still be used as normal to offer such protection.
The LEVELIZA is not a compressor, it will not compress, expand or otherwise affect the dynamic
range of the music signal, it just slowly rides the gain with the objective of trying to maintain a
consistent average perceived volume level over a period of time.
Because the LEVELIZA is only interested in the perceived loudness of the music, it is not as
concerned with low bass and sub frequencies as these have less affect on our human ear's
perception of loudness than the other frequencies. For this reason the LEVELIZA is not suitable for
use in controlling low bass & sub frequencies.