User´s manual – RC paramotor
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paragliders and accessories for RC paragliding
D-ring is ready on the riser
tie the line into D-ring
how to pull down the speed bar
speed system is ready on both sides
Try to land with the canopy against the wind ideally and with the motor off (in case of landing in wind
direction, the canopy will inadvertently accelerate and if the motor is on during the landing, the propeller
can collide with the lines and break them). So you are flying against the wind and at a moment when the
pilot is about 1 - 2 meters above the ground, fully release the breaks and turn off the engine, if you haven't
done so earlier. By releasing the breaks, the canopy will speed up and the fall to the ground will increase.
When the pilot is just before the landing (about 20 - 30 cm above the ground), fully pull both sides of the
brakes at once to experience the softest landing. The canopy will swing up with this move and the pilot
will land.