Dear Customer
In purchasing this bicycle you have chosen a product of high quality and technology. Each com-
ponent of your new bicycle has been designed, manufactured and assembled with great care
and expertise.
These operating instructions contain a wealth of information on the proper use of your bicycle,
its maintenance and operation as well as interesting information on bicycle design and engineer-
ing. Please read these instructions thoroughly. We are sure that even if you have been cycling
all your life you will find useful and detailed information.
Bicycle and E-bike technology has developed at a very rapid pace during recent years. There-
fore, before setting off on your new bicycle, be sure to read at least the chapter “Quick start”
The individual steps are subsequently explained in detail, supplemented by illustrations and
diagrams.For more detailed information on your E-bike, refer to “Technical data”.
Even a manual as big as an encyclopedia could not describe every possible combination of
bicycle models and components or parts on the market. These operating instructions therefore
focus on your newly purchased bicycle and standard components and provide useful informa-
tion and warnings.
When doing any adjusting or servicing, be aware that the detailed instructions and information
provided in these operating instructions only refer to this city/road/mountain bicycle or E-bike.
The information included here is not applicable to any other bicycle type. As bicycles and E-bike
come in a wide variety of designs with frequent model changes, the routines described may re-
quire complementary information. Comply also with the instructions of the parts manufacturers,
which you can find on the enclosed information.
Be aware that these instructions may require further explanation, depending on the experience
and/or skills of the person doing the work. For some jobs you may require additional (special)
tools or supplementary instructions. This manual cannot teach you the skills of a bicycle me-
This manual cannot teach you howto ride. Please be aware that cycling is a hazardous activity
that requires the rider to stay in control of his or her bicycle at all times.
Like any sport, cycling involves the risk of injury and damage. Keep this in mind. When you
decide to ride a bicycle or E-bike you need to accept the risk inherent to cycling.
This symbol indicates an imminent risk to your life or health, unless you comply with the
corresponding handling instructions, given or take preventive measures.
This symbol warns you of incorrect actions that could result in damage to property and
the environment.
This symbol provides you with information about how to handle the product or refers to
a passage in the operating instructions that deserves your special attention.