RBR Ltd., 5-95 Hines Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2K 2M5
Tel: +1 613 599 8900 Fax: +1 613 599 8929 info@rbr-global.com
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RBR#0001896 Rev A 10/2014
Thoroughly clean the O-ring groove, taking great care not to scratch or damage it in any
way. Inspect it carefully, and contact us for advice if it appears damaged. Apply a light
film of silicone grease (part #10-568) to all three inside surfaces of the groove, being
careful not to trap any dirt, hairs or lint.
Select the proper O-ring and make sure it is not damaged. Lubricate it with a very light
film of silicone grease to ease its installation. The correct order and orientation is as
follows (assuming the o-rings have been removed): Install the main o-ring first by sliding
it over the electronics housing (it is too small to fit over the sensor cap). Install the back
up o-ring making sure that the concave part faces toward the sensor end and will mate
with the main o-ring. The flat part of the backup o-ring must mate flat with the o-ring
backing wall. Make sure there are no twists in either o-ring.
When the new O-ring is in place, inspect it once more for scratches and dirt, and wipe
away any silicone grease deposited on the end cap.
Many experienced users of oceanographic equipment replace all O-rings before every
deployment as a matter of routine. The cost of an O-ring is negligible compared with the cost
of the instrument and its deployment. Routine replacement of O-rings, therefore, is cheap
We support all instruments and software that we manufacture. First line support is always
available by phone, fax or e-mail. Please contact us immediately if you are experiencing
problems with your RBR product. It is very important to contact us before returning your
instrument, as some difficulties can be easily solved on-site by the user. Please have the
model and serial number of the unit handy when you contact us. support@rbr-global.com
There are no user-repairable parts of the logger. Any attempt at repair, whether successful or
not, without prior authorization from RBR Ltd. will void the warranty.
If it is necessary to return the product to RBR for an upgrade, repair, or calibration; please
review the detailed shipping information on our website before returning the unit.
We recommend that you verify the calibration of your data logger before any critical deployment,
periodically once a year, or if you suspect the calibration to be out of specifications. Discuss your
calibration needs with RBR. In some cases, you will be recommended to return the instrument to
RBR to have it checked and re-calibrated. Please contact us for our current calibration fees.