Finned copper tube gas boilers & water heaters – Boiler Manual
Instructions De Mise En Marche
1. ARRÊTEZ! Lisez les instructions de sécurité sur la portion
supérieure de cette étiquette.
2. Réglez le thermostat à la température la plus basse.
3. Coupez l’alimentation électrique de l’appareil.
4. Cet appareil est muni d’un dispositif d’allumage qui allume
automatiquement la veilleuse. Ne tentez pas d’allumer la veilleuse
5. Fermer la vanne manuelle d’arrêt d’alimintation de gaz.
6. Attendre cinq (5) minutes pour laisser échapper tout le gaz.
Reniflez tout autour de l’appareil, y compris près du plancher,
pour déceler une odeur de gaz. Si vous sentez une odeur de
gaz, ARRÊTEZ! Passez à l’étape B des instructions de sécurité
sur la portion supérieure de cette étiquette. S’il n’y a pas d’odeur
de gaz, passez à l’étape suivante.
7. Ouver la vanne manuelle d’arrêt d’alimintation de gaz.
8. Mettez l’appareil sous tension.
9. Réglez le thermostat à la température désirée.
10. Si l’appareil ne se met pas en marche, suivez les instructions
intitulées couper l’admission de gaz de l’appareil et appelez un
technicien qualifié ou le fournisseur de gaz.
To Turn Off Gas To Appliance
1. Set the operating control or thermostat to its lowest setting.
2. Turn off all electric power to the appliance if service is to be
3. Close the manual main valves.
1. Réglez le thermostat à la température la plus basse.
2. Coupez l’alimentation électrique de l’appareil s’il faut procéder
à l’entretien.
3. Fermer la vanne manuelle d’arrêt d’alimintation de gaz.
1. With the burners in operation, close the manual shutoff valve
in the gas supply line. As soon as the main burner flames go
out, open the manual shutoff valve. A normal ignition sequence
should take place. If the burners fail to light, the gas valves will
close and the system will go into a 5-minute lock out period.
The flame sense module will then make a second ignition attempt.
If the unit won’t light ensure that the gas piping is fully purged
of air. Inspect the ignition system and ensure that it is operating
2. To test the ignition safety shutoff device, close the manual shutoff
valve in the gas supply line. Within 5 seconds of main burner
flame extinction, the main gas valve solenoid should close with
an audible noise. After 10 seconds the module should lockout
and the trial for ignition end. After 5 minutes a second trial for
ignition should occur. Open the manual shutoff valve in the
gas supply line and reset the ignition control system. A normal
ignition sequence should take place.
3. With the burners in operation, interrupt the power to the control
circuit by turning down the operator or thermostat. The boiler/
water heater should shut down. Reset the operating control or
thermostat. A normal ignition sequence should follow.
Input Rate, Natural Gas
Gas appliances are rated based on sea level operation with no
adjustment required at elevations up to
5000 ft
1524 m
. At
elevations above
5000 ft
1524 m
, input ratings should be reduced
by 4% for each additional
1000 ft
305 m
Check the input rate as follows:
1. Turn off all other gas appliances that use the same gas meter
as the boiler/water heater.
2. Call your gas supplier and ask for the heating value of the gas.
3. Connect a flue gas analyzer to the vent pipe.
4. Start the boiler/water heater and let it run for 15 minutes.
5. Using the gas meter and a stopwatch, clock the time that it takes
to burn
10 ft
0.28 m
of gas and divide this time by 10.
6. Insert the heating value and the time, in seconds, into the formula
7. Input = (heating value, Btu/hr)(3600)/(time, seconds)
8. If the computed rate deviates by more than 5% from the rated
input value of the unit adjust the manifold pressure accordingly.
DO NOT adjust the manifold pressure by more than 5%. If a
proper rate cannot be maintained without adjusting the manifold
pressure beyond the 5% limit, the main burner orifices must
be replaced. If the input rate is too low, go to the next lager size
of main burner orifices. If the input rate is too high, go to the
next smaller size.
Never increase the input of the boiler/water heater
above that for which it is rated. Doing so can cause
premature failure of the unit!