4.2.TCP Server mode setup
TCP Server mode is applicable for users who use Telnet or Socket connecting
programs to connect GPORT with its designated ports.
TCP Port
Input the TCP port number to be monitored.
Select Telnet if the user uses standard Telnet for connection or the connection
program that the user uses requires Telnet negotiation. If the Socket connection
program that the user uses does not require Telnet negotiation, please select TCP.
4.3.TCP Client mode setup
TCP Client is applicable for connecting GPORT port with designated TCP ports of
designated mainframes.
Select Startup, and GPORT will perform automatic connection when
started. Select receiving serial data, and GPORT will set up connection at this port
upon reception of data. The data received before the setup of connection will also be
The same way with TCP Server, select Te lnet when Telnet negotiation is
necessary. Otherwise select TCP.
Destination IP Address
The IP address of the mainframe to be connected
TCP Port
The TCP port number to be connected.