Chapter 1: Important information
Warning: Ensure safe navigation
This product is intended only as an aid to navigation and must never be used
in preference to sound navigational judgment. Only official government charts
and notices to mariners contain all the current information needed for safe
navigation, and the captain is responsible for their prudent use. It is the user’s
responsibility to use official government charts, notices to mariners, caution and
proper navigational skill when operating this or any other Raymarine product.
Warning: Radar transmission safety
The radar scanner transmits electromagnetic energy. Ensure all personnel are
clear of the scanner when the radar is transmitting.
Warning: Sonar operation
• NEVER operate the sonar with the vessel out of the water.
• NEVER touch the transducer face when the sonar is powered on.
• SWITCH OFF the sonar if divers are likely to be within 7.6m (25ft) of the
Raymarine does not warrant that this product is error-free or that it is compatible with products
manufactured by any person or entity other than Raymarine.
This product uses digital chart data, and electronic information from Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (GNSS) which may contain errors. Raymarine does not warrant the accuracy of such
information and you are advised that errors in such information may cause the product to malfunction.
Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by your use or inability to use the
product, by the interaction of the product with products manufactured by others, or by errors in chart
data or information utilized by the product and supplied by third parties.
This product supports electronic charts provided by third party suppliers which may be embedded or
stored on memory card. Use of such charts is subject to the supplier’s End-User Licence Agreement.
Open source license agreements
This product is subject to certain open source license agreements. Copies of the license agreements
can be found on the Raymarine website:
Warranty registration
To register your Raymarine product ownership, please visit
and register online.
It is important that you register your product to receive full warranty benefits. Your unit package
includes a bar code label indicating the serial number of the unit. You will need this serial number
when registering your product online. You should retain the label for future reference.
Technical accuracy
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this document was correct at the time it was
produced. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may
contain. In addition, our policy of continuous product improvement may change specifications
without notice. As a result, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between the product
and this document. Please check the Raymarine website (
) to ensure you have
the most up-to-date version(s) of the documentation for your product.