Raymarine Autohelm 100 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


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Содержание Autohelm 100

Страница 1: ...Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company ...

Страница 2: ...AUTOPILOT Installation and Set Up TYPE 100 300 ...

Страница 3: ......

Страница 4: ...veSystems 13 RotaryDriveUnits 13 ReversingHydraulicPump 14 LinearDrive 15 HydraulicLinear 15 ConstantRunningHydraulicPump 16 Sterndrive 16 1 9Options 17 Hand heldRemote Z101 17 NMEAInterface D153 17 AuxiliaryAlarm Z035 18 Joystick Z147 18 WindTransducer sailonly 19 MastheadWindTransducer Z080 LongArmVersionZ188 19 PushpitWindTransducer Z087 19 GyroplusTransducer Z179 20 Chapter2 Installation 21 2 ...

Страница 5: ...000 6000ControlUnit 25 Mounting 25 Cabling 26 2 3FluxgateCompass 28 Mounting 28 Cabling 29 2 4RotaryRudderReferenceTransducer 30 Mounting 30 Cabling 32 2 5LinearFeedbackTransducer 33 Mounting 33 Cabling 34 2 6HydraulicDriveSystems 35 PumptoCylinderSpecifications 35 ReversingHydraulicPumps Type1 Type2 Type3 35 Mounting 35 Cabling 35 Type1DriveUnit 35 Type2DriveUnit 12V 36 Type2DriveUnit 24V 36 Type...

Страница 6: ...enoidCable 43 Plumbing 44 HydraulicLinearActuator 45 Installation 45 Cabling 48 FinalPreparationsBeforeuse 48 2 8MechanicalDriveSystems 49 RotaryDriveUnit 49 Mounting 49 Cabling 52 Type1DriveUnit 52 Type2DriveUnit 12V 52 Type2DriveUnit 24V 53 LinearDriveUnit 53 Mounting 54 Cabling 55 Type1DriveUnit 55 Type2DriveUnit 12V 55 Type2DriveUnit 24V 56 SterndriveActuator 56 Mounting 56 ...

Страница 7: ...ansducer sailonly 67 Mounting 67 Cabling 68 2 12Interfacingtoothermanufacturer sequipment NMEA 69 CourseComputerNMEAports 69 InputPort 69 OutputPort 70 Cabling 70 ST6000 ST7000ControlUnitNMEAInput 71 Cabling 72 NMEAInterface 73 Cabling 74 Chapter3 FunctionalTest 76 3 1Systemtest 76 3 2Switch on 76 3 3Rudderanglesense 77 ST7000controlunit 77 ST6000controlunit 77 3 4Rudderanglealignment 77 3 5Operat...

Страница 8: ...calibration 82 4 3Adjustingcalibration 83 RudderGain 83 RateLevel 84 RudderOffset HelmAdjust 84 RudderLimit 84 TurnRate 85 CruiseSpeed 85 OffCourseLimit 85 TrimLevel 86 JoystickMode ManualType 86 DriveOption 86 RudderDeadband RudderDamping 87 MagneticVariation 87 AutoAdapt 87 Latitude 88 WindTrim 88 ResponseLevel 88 AutoRelease manualoverride 89 4 4SavingCalibrationMode 89 4 5DisplayContrastAdjust...

Страница 9: ...ls 93 5 5ResponseControl 94 Level1 AutomaticSeaStateControl 94 Level2 AutomaticSeaStateInhibit 94 Level3 AutomaticSeaStateInhibitandcounterrudder 94 5 6AutomaticTrimControl 95 5 7RudderGainAdjustment DisplacementCraft 96 5 8RudderGainAdjustment HighSpeedPlanningCraft 97 5 9RudderGain AdjustmentwithSpeed 97 5 10ManualOverride SternDriveActuatorsonly 98 Chapter6 TrackControl 99 Chapter7 WindvaneCont...

Страница 10: ...hvarioustypesofsteeringsystems TheAutohelmsysteminitsmostbasicformconsistsofacontrolunit coursecomputer driveunit fluxgatecompassandarudder referencetransducer Afullrangeofaccessoriesarealsoavailableandinclude Joystick manualsteeringunit Mainalarmandinterface Rategyro Handheldremotecontrolunit SeaTalkinstrumentation Interfaceleads Control Unit Control Unit Drive Unit Rudder Reference Unit Gyro Flu...

Страница 11: ...s ST7000 1 10 1 10 STAND BY AUTO DISPLAY TRACK RESPONSE 110mm 4 33in 24mm 0 95in 177 8mm 7in 38 75mm 1 5in D727 1 TM 1 2 ST6000 Control Unit TheST6000controlunit liketheST7000 isfullyweatherprotectedand alsodesignedforaboveorbelowdeckinstallation Theunitisconnected tothecoursecomputerviatheSeaTalkbus NMEAnavigation speedand windinformationcanbereceivedviaafixedsocketontherearofthecase Note Additio...

Страница 12: ...Theunitisonlysplashproofandmust therefore beinstalledinadry protectedlocation Type100isusedforType1andTypeCR12Vdrives Type300isused withType2andType3drives 45mm 1 8in 233mm 9 2in 130mm 5 1in D865 1 1 4FluxgateCompass Thefluxgatecompasscontainsagimbalmechanismthatpermits accuratereadingswithpitchandrollmovementsupto 35degrees Thecompassisdesignedforbelowdeck bulkheadmountingand connectsdirectlytoth...

Страница 13: ...n 69 5mm 2 7in 61mm 2 4in D730 1 1 6 Linear Feedback Transducer Thelinearfeedbacktransducerisdesignedforinstallationson bullhorn stylehydraulicoutboardsteeringsystems Theunitistotallyweatherproof andmountedonthebullhornram Itsuseismandatoryonallhydraulic outboardinstallations 425mm 16 75in 32mm 1 3in D869 1 TM 1 7 Type CR Interface Unit Thecoursecomputercanbeconnectedtothesolenoidsonaconstant runn...

Страница 14: ...eringvalveblock Thetypeofhydraulicdriveusedisdependentonthesizeofthevessels hydrauliccylinder RotaryDriveUnits Autohelmrotarydriveunitsprovidesmooth powerfulsteeringcommands withalmostsilentoperation Aruggedelectricmotordrivesaprecision epicyclicgearboxviaahightensiledrivebelt Anelectronicclutch transmitshightorqueloadswithnoslippage Thedriveunitcanbe mountedinanyattitudetosimplifyinstallation 274...

Страница 15: ...elssteeringcylinder withthe coursecomputerregulatingthepeakpumppressure Therearethreetypesofpump type1 type2andtype3 Thedifferent typerelatestothesteeringramcapacity whichisdirectlyrelatedtothe displacementofthevessel Type1 80 to 230 cc 4 9 to 14cu in Type2 160 to 350 cc 9 8 to 21cu in Type3 250 to 460 cc 15 to 28cu in A 117mm 4 62in 103mm 4 07in D738 1 Pump Dimension A Type 1 177mm 6 96in Type 2 ...

Страница 16: ...provideshighperformanceforminimum currentconsumption 90 D1010 1 A 4 off fixing holes suitable for 10mm 0 4in bolts 79mm 3 1in 114mm 4 5in 197mm 7 8in 50mm 2in Drive Dimension A Type 1 700mm 27 5in Type 2 short 700mm 27 5in Type 2 long 850mm 33 5in HydraulicLinear Thehydrauliclineardriveunitisaselfcontainedsecondarysteering cylinder withabuilt insolenoidbypassvalve Theunitisdrivenbya reversinghydra...

Страница 17: ...ndaseparatehydraulicram thissystemisrecommendedforheavydutyapplicationsonlarge mechanicallysteeredvessels 356mm 14in 262mm 10 3in 224mm 8 8in D740 1 Sterndrive Thesterndriveactuatormustonlybeusedonsterndriveswithcable operated powerassistedsteering Thedriveunitoperatesthepowersteeringvalveinexactlythesameway asthesteeringcable Aclutchdisengagesthedriveunittoallowmanual steeringwhentheautopilotisdi...

Страница 18: ...heldremoteisconnectedtotheautopilotvia theSeaTalkbus 10 10 1 1 TM 65mm 2 5in 14 5mm 0 6in 138mm 5 4in D1011 1 NMEA Interface D153 AlthoughtheType100 300hasitsownNMEA0183inputandoutput ports youmaywishtoreceiveinformationfromadditionalequipment transmittingNMEA TheNMEAinterfaceconnectstotheSeaTalkbusand convertsincomingdatatoSeaTalk TheinterfacealsoconvertsSeaTalk datatoNMEA0183format 117 5mm 4 6in...

Страница 19: ...aryalarmis connectedtotheSeaTalkbusviatheNMEAinterfaceboxandwillsound whenevertheautopilottransmitsoneofthefollowingalarmconditions AutopilotOffCourse WatchAlarm WindShift LowBattery LargeCrossTrackError NMEADataError NoAutopilotActuatorConnected SterndriveAutoRelease WaypointChangeAlarm 45mm 1 8in 85mm 3 35in D732 1 Joystick Z147 TheJoystick isanelectromechanicalremotesteeringunitthatusesthe cour...

Страница 20: ...stallationdoesnotincludeaSeaTalkWindinstrumenteitherthe mastheadorpushpit windtransducercanbeconnecteddirectlytothe NMEAinterfaceboxtosupplywindangleinformation MastheadWindTransducer Z080 LongArmVersionZ188 371mm 14 6in D733 1 PushpitWindTransducer Z087 D1075 1 ...

Страница 21: ...AutohelmGyroplusisatransducerthatmeasurestherateofturnof thevessel Thisisusedbytheautopilottogiveevenbettercorrectionfor boat yawinadverseweatherconditions Itisparticularlybeneficial downwardandinfollowingseaconditions 140mm 5 5in 115mm 4 5in 51mm 2in 90mm 3 5in D872 1 GYROPLUS TM ...

Страница 22: ...driveunitandmay causetheelectronicstomalfunction 2 1CourseComputer Thecoursecomputermustbelocatedinadry protectedlocationfree fromhighoperatingtemperaturesandexcessivevibration Theunitmust bemountedverticallywithfreeairflowtoallowheatdissipationfromthe poweramplifier Avoidmountingthecoursecomputer inanengineroom wherethereiswatersplash sprayfrombilge sorhatches whereitcanbesubjectedtophysicaldamag...

Страница 23: ...lessthan3mm 1 8in thick usetheU clipsprovided 4 Drillthreepilotholesforthecableclampbar 5 Securethecableclampasshown Cabling Note IfyouareinstallingtheType100 300systemwithaconstant runninghydraulicpump refertopage40beforerunningthepowercable 1 Havingsitedthecoursecomputer measurethetotalcablelength betweenthecoursecomputerandthevesselscentralpower distributionpanel Usingthefollowingtables selectt...

Страница 24: ...Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 01 Type2DriveUnits 12V Cable Length Distribution panel to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 5m 16ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 7m 23ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 02 Type2DriveUnits 24V Cable Length Distribution panel to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 3m 10ft 12 AWG 2 5 mm Up to 5m 16ft 10 AWG 4 mm Up to 7m 23ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 10...

Страница 25: ...81004 02 Type3DriveUnits 24V Cable Length Distribution panel to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 5m 16ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 7m 23ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 02 2 Removetheconnectorcoverfromthecoursecomputer 3 Connectthepowersupplycabletothecoursecomputerpower terminals Note Thecablemustbeprotectedbyacircuitbreaker seetableforsize Power Supply Circuit breaker D882 1 C...

Страница 26: ...mountedclose tothesteeringstationwhereitis normallyviewedstraightonforthebestdisplaylegibility wellprotectedagainstphysicaldamage atleast9in 230mm fromacompass atleast20in 500mm fromradioreceivingequipment accessiblefrombehindtoinstallandruncables Note Therearcaseisdesignedtobreathethroughasmallductinthe cablebosstopreventtheaccumulationofmoisture Directexposureto therearofthecontrolunitmustbeavoi...

Страница 27: ...ughthelargeholeandsecurethecontrolunit withthethumbnuts 3 provided Note Thesealinggasket 4 isalreadyattachedtotherearcaseofthe controlunit Cabling ThecontrolunitisprovidedwithaSeaTalkcablefittedwitha3pinsocket oneachend 1 PlugoneendofthecableintooneofthetwoSeaTalksocketsonthe backofthecontrolunit 2 RuntheSeaTalkcablebacktothecoursecomputer Note Ifmorethanonecontrolunitisfitted theSeaTalkcablecanbe...

Страница 28: ...othecoursecomputerasshown usingoneofthestandard SeaTalkinterfacecables Thecoursecomputerwillthensupplypowerfor thecompletesystem D1013 1 ST50 Instrument ST7000 Control Unit SeaTalk CLUTCH POWER Grey screen Red Yellow D1014 1 ST50 Instrument ST6000 Control Unit SeaTalk CLUTCH POWER Grey screen Red Yellow ...

Страница 29: ...orrectpositioningofthefluxgatecompassiscrucialifultimateperform anceistobeachieved Tominimisegimbaldisturbance thefluxgate shouldideallybepositionedasnearaspossibletothepitchandrollcentre ofthevessel 0 3L to 0 5L L 0 3L to 0 5L L X X Y Y D194 2 Mounting D193 2 Vertical ...

Страница 30: ...ssiblefromlargeironmasses Note Ifanydoubtexistsovermagneticsuitabilityofthechosensite the positionmaybesurveyedusingasimplehandbearingcompass Thehand bearingcompassshouldbefixedinthechosenpositionandthevessel swungthrough360degrees Relativedifferencesinreadingbetweenthe handbearingcompassandthevessel smainsteeringcompassshould ideally notexceed10degreesonanyheading Cabling 1 Runthecablebacktotheco...

Страница 31: ...nasuitablebaseadjacenttotherudderstock X Tiller arm Mounting base D195 2 Makesurethatthebaseheightoftherudderreferencetransducer canmaintainthecorrectverticalalignmentbetweentherudder referencetransducerarmandtillerarm asshown Togivethepreciserudderposition therudderreferencetransducerhas abuiltinspringtoremoveanyfreeplayinthelinkagetothetiller Therudderreferencearmmovementislimitedto 60degrees Ca...

Страница 32: ... Max 310mm 12 2in Itisimportanttoensurethatthedimensions setoutabove arewithinthe setlimitsandthatthetillerandrudderreferencearmsareparalleltoeach other A D197 40 max 40 max Min 101mm 4in A 140mm 5 5in Max 190mm 7 5in Min 75mm 3in Max 310mm 12 2in 1 Withtherudderamidships therudderreferencearmshouldbe oppositethepointofcableentryandat90degreestotheconnecting ...

Страница 33: ...ledisplayonthecontrolunit The tillerpinissecuredtothetillerarmusingtheselftappingscrews provided 3 Cutthethreadedrodtolengthandscrewonthelocknuts Y andthe ballpinsockets thesocketscanthenbepressedontothepins Move therudderfromsidetosidetoensurethelinkageisfreefromany obstructionatallrudderangles Cabling 1 Runtherudderreferencecablebacktothecoursecomputer 2 Connecttotherudderreferenceterminalsonthe...

Страница 34: ...turer sinstructionsfor correctprocedures 3 Loosenthestarboardboltthatsecuresthe bullhorn ram 1 shaftto theendbracket 2 4 AssembletheU bracket 3 overtheendbracket 2 andtheshaftof the bullhorn ram 1 5 Handtightenthestarboard bullhorn bolttoholdtheU bracket 3 in position 6 Fullyopenthehoseclamps 6 usingaflatbladedscrewdriver 7 Hangthehoseclamps 6 overthe bullhorn ram 1 8 Sitethespacers 4 onthe bullho...

Страница 35: ...dgreenwiresarereversedatthe coursecomputer 11 Withtheadjustmentscrewandbarrelalignedwiththespacers close thehoseclamps 6 aroundthelinearfeedbacktransducer 5 andthe bullhorn ram 1 12 Tightenthe bullhorn bolttoretaintheU bracket 3 13 Fitandtightenthenut 7 andwasher 8 totheshaftofthelinear feedbacktransducer 5 Cabling 1 Runthelinearfeedbacktransducercablebacktothecourse computer 2 Connecttothecoursec...

Страница 36: ...to 73cu in 81004 04 ReversingHydraulicPumps Type1 Type2 Type3 Mounting Thehydraulicpumpshouldbemountedinahorizontalpositionclearof sprayandpossiblewaterimmersion Itshouldalsobelocatedasnearas possibletothehydraulicsteeringcylinder Boltthehydraulicpumptoasubstantialmembertoavoidvibrationthat coulddamagetheinterconnectingpipework Cabling Usingasuitablysizedcable seebelow routethepumpleadsbacktothe c...

Страница 37: ...Copper Area Up to 3m 10ft 12 AWG 2 5 mm Up to 5m 16ft 10 AWG 4 mm Up to 7m 23ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 10m 32ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 05 Type3DriveUnit 12V Cable Length Drive Unit to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 5m 16ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 7m 23ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 06 Type3DriveUnit 24V Cable Length Distribution Panel to Pump Cable Gauge Co...

Страница 38: ...toenergisethebypassvalve The relayshouldhavea12Vcoil takinglessthan500ma andbedrivenbythe clutchoutputonthecoursecomputerconnector Plumbing Therearethreebasictypesofhydraulicsteeringsystems twolinesystem threelinesystem twolinepressurisedsystem Typicalconnectionpointsfortheautopilotpumpareshownforeachtype Inallcasesitisstronglyrecommendedthatthesteeringgear manufacturerisconsulted Allhosesusedtofi...

Страница 39: ... D274 3 Notes 1 Adoublepilotcheckvalvemayalsobenecessaryonlongtubingruns Tubingexpansionmayresultinpoorautopilotperformance Thevalve shouldbeinstalledclosetothecylinderwiththepumpinbetween as shown 2 Ifthevesselhastwosteeringpositions checkvalveswillalreadybe fittedtoensureindependentoperationofthetwowheels Minimisationofhydraulicfluidlossduringconnectionofthedriveunitwill helptoreducethetimeandef...

Страница 40: ...umprotation Theautopilotpumpiscon nectedtothesystemasshown D271 2 Twolinepressurisedsystem Twolinepressurisedsystemshaveanexternalpressurisedreservoir This reducesthepossibilityofinducingairintothesystemandanysponginess feltduetopipeexpansion Theautopilotpumpisconnectedtothesystem asshowninthefollowingillustration Note Refertothemanufacturer sinstructionsondepressurisingthesystem D272 2 ...

Страница 41: ...gofthehydraulicsystemisoneofthemostimportant stepswheninstallingahydraulicpump Thepresenceofairinthehydraulic systemwillnotonlyreduceperformanceoftheautopilotbutalsothe overalloperationofthesteeringsystem Furthertothemanufacturer sinstructionsforbleedingthesteering system thefollowingproceduresshouldbecarriedouttobleedthe autopilotpump 1 Pressandholdthe 10degreekey theautopilotpumpwilltrytodrive t...

Страница 42: ...ure makesureitremainsfullofthehydraulicfluidrecommendedbythe manufacturer Ifairisleftinthesystemthesteeringwillfeelspongy particularlywhenthewheelisturnedtothehardoverposition ConstantRunningHydraulicPump Mounting Bolttheconstantrunninghydraulicpumptoasuitablehorizontalsurface Theserviceportsaretappedto1 4inB S P andthereservoirportis tappedto3 8in B S P ThreeN P T adaptorsareincludedforconversion...

Страница 43: ...er Theinterfaceunithas connectionsforthesolenoidvalvesandthebypassvalve ifoneis required Thepumpshouldbewired asshown usingthespecifiedcable sizeanddesignatedcircuitbreaker Supply Main breaker Type CR interface unit To bypass valve Clutch drive 25A Solenoid A cable Power pack motor supply 3L 12V 50A 4 5L 12V 70A 3L 24V 30A 4 5L 24V 40A RLY1 D2 D1 BYPASS VALVE BATTERY A B SOLENOIDS M1 M2 SUPPLY CLU...

Страница 44: ...4 08 Anisolatorswitchshouldbeinstalledinthepowersupplytothecomplete system Thesolenoidvalveconnectorscanonlyacceptcableupto12AWG If largercableisrequired 18inchesof 12AWGshouldbeusedtowireto theconnectors TheTypeCRInterfacemayalsobeconnectedtoalternativeconstant runninghydraulicpumpproviding thesolenoidcoilstakelessthan10amps theresponsetimeofthesolenoidvalveislessthan80milliseconds theoperatingvo...

Страница 45: ...ortsand undernormalcircumstances bede energisedtoallow thecylindertobackdrive Whentheautopilotisengaged thevalveis energisedbytheTypeCRInterfacetoallowtheautopilotsteeringcylinder todrivetherudder Hydraulic cylinder Bypass valve Autopilot hydraulic drive Manual steering system Cable to course computer Bypass connector D766 1 Note Thebypassvalvevoltagemustbematchedtothecoursecomputer supplyvoltage ...

Страница 46: ...3 267mm 10 5in X 1Reservoir 2Pump 3Cylinder 4Tie wrap 5Clip 6Reservoirhose 7PumphoseA 8PumphoseB 9Cylinderhose 10Cylinderballjoint 11Quadrant Installation Caution Itisimportanttonotethatthehydrauliclinearactuatorcanexerta thrustofupto2700Ibs thisistheequivalentweightofalarge familysalooncar Ifthereisanydoubtaboutthestrengthofthe existingtillerarmorquadrantthesteeringgearmanufacturer mustbeconsulte...

Страница 47: ...tsshouldbenoted 1 Theactuatormountingfootmustbemountedtoahorizontalsurface Thereisinsufficientmovementintheswiveljointforverticalmounting D1034 1 Viewfromabove D1035 1 Viewfromabove 2 Thedriveendmustbeatrightanglestothehydrauliccylinderwhen thetillerisamidships D1037 1 90 Viewfromabove ...

Страница 48: ...pliedfixingboltwithitsflange positionedbetweentheballendandthetillerarm Itisveryimportant thatthisboltisatightfitinthetillerarm UseLoctite638 oran equivalent tosecurethetillerbarboltandlockthesecuringnut X A B C D F D1046 1 E G Hole size X Type 2 11 96 12 06mm 0 471 0 475in Type 3 19 9 20mm 0 783 0 787in A Spring clip B Washer C Washer D Push rod ball end E Fixing bolt flange F Tiller arm G Fixing...

Страница 49: ...hereservoirvalvetotheopenposition Caution Makesurethemechanicallimitsofthesteeringsystemstop ruddermovementbeforethecylinderreachesitsendstops failuretodothiswilldamagethesteeringcylinderandwillinvali datethewarranty 3 SwitchtheAutopilotto Auto modeand usingthe10degreecourse changekeys steerhard overtohard overtocheckforcorrect operationandanypossibleleaks 4 Set uptheautopilotendstopsasdescribedin...

Страница 50: ...Driven Sprocket Driver Sprocket 76 76 57 57 57 38 38 38 25 25 25 25 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of Driven Sprocket Turns Hardover Hardover Chain Reduction Ratio Rotary Drive Chain Reduction Ratios Type 1 Type 2 D757 1 Theseratiosprovidegoodsteeringperformanceformostvessels Ifthe vesselisthoughttohaveunusualsteeringcharacteristics contactour ProductSupportDepartment oranauthorisedrepresenta...

Страница 51: ...ore convenientmountingposition ifrequired Insomecasesitmaybe necessarytofabricateaspecialframetomountthedriveunit Itshouldbenotedthatchaintensioncanexceed500lb 230Kg and therefore anextremelyrigidmountingstructureisvitaltomaintaingood chainalignment Installationfailurescanoccurinthisareaandover engineeringisstronglyrecommendedfordriveunitmounting All fasteningsshouldbesecuredwithlockwashers Provis...

Страница 52: ...heninstallationis complete Finally thechainshouldbetensioneduntilitisjusttightandthereis minimallostmotiontothedrivesystem Totallostmotionbetweenthe drivensprocketattachedtothesteeringsystemandtherudderstock shouldnot underanycircumstances exceed2 ofthetotalmovement Iflostmotionexceedsthislevelitmustbecorrected otherwisesteering performancewillbeimpaired Havingcompletedinstallationofthedriveunit t...

Страница 53: ...chandmotorterminals D902 1 SeaTalk CLUTCH MOTOR POWER 1 2 Type1DriveUnit Cable Length Drive Unit to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 3m 10ft 12 AWG 2 5 mm Up to 5m 16ft 10 AWG 4 mm Up to 7m 23ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 10m 32ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 05 Type2DriveUnit 12V Cable Length Drive Unit to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 5m 16ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 7...

Страница 54: ...wnbelow Drive Unit Tiller Radius B Type 1 250mm 10in Type 2S 250mm 10in Type 2L 360mm 14in 81004 09 Itispreferabletocouplethelineardriveunittotherudderstockviaan independenttillerarm EdsonandWhitlockofferastandardfitting In certaincases however itmaybepossibletocouplethepushrodtothe sametillerarm orrudderquadrantemployed bythemainsteering linkage Mid Stroke B 90 D760 1 Caution Thelineardrivesystem...

Страница 55: ...m Fixing bolt flange Hole dia 0 52in 13mm D761 1 Themountingbracketshouldbeboltedtoasubstantialframemember Alwaysover engineertoensurereliabilityandmaintenanceof correctalignment Thepushrodballendmustbeattachedtothetillerarm usingtheadaptor pin supplied withitsflangepositionedbetweentheballendandthetiller arm Itisvitallyimportantthatthelockwasher supplied isusedandthat thenutistightenedfully Themo...

Страница 56: ... lk CLUTCH MOTOR POWER 1 2 Type1DriveUnit Cable Length Drive Unit to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 3m 10ft 12 AWG 2 5 mm Up to 5m 16ft 10 AWG 4 mm Up to 7m 23ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 10m 32ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52ft 4 AWG 16 mm 81004 05 Type2DriveUnit 12V Cable Length Drive Unit to Course Computer Cable Gauge Copper Area Up to 5m 16ft 8 AWG 6 mm Up to 7m 23ft 6 AWG 10 mm Up to 16m 52...

Страница 57: ...maha Different installationkitsareavailabletocovermostoftheseinstallations Note OlderVolvosteeringsystems Pretype872215 requireanadaptor bracket D129 Mounting Volvo Pre type 872215 Fittingtothistypeofenginerequiresanadaptorbracket M81139 Thesterndriveactuatorshouldbeconnectedtothecentreholeonthe tillerarm Ontwinengineinstallations thisisthepositionusedtoconnect theenginetiebartolinkthetwotillerarm...

Страница 58: ...ck Spool valve shoulder Cable clamp nut D769 1 D129 Mounting bracket D129 Mounting bracket Location pin Steering cable Bracket clamp Volvo Penta steering valve block Steering cable Cable clamp nut Valve shoulder to remain out of bracket 3 Uncoupletheenginetiebarfromtheoutdrivetillerarmbybending backthelockingtabsandremovingthecotterpin Thisshouldbe replacedwiththemulti engineadaptorpin Makesuretha...

Страница 59: ...edto attachthedriveunittotheadaptorpin 5 Slowlyturnthesteeringsystemfromhardovertohardover Itismost importantthatthedriveunitandtheadaptorpinbracketdonottouch anypartoftheengineorsteeringsystem Volvo Posttype872215 1 Removethelocatingpinthatattachesthecablerodtothetillerend blockandreplacewiththegirdlesupportbracketasshown Locating bolts Shakeproof washers Split pin Sprung location pin Girdle supp...

Страница 60: ...oulder D925 1 Note Theadaptorpinbracketmustsitagainst butnoton theshoulderof thecableendsheath Also itisimportantthatthesecuringboltsare sternsideofthesteeringcableendsheath 4 Ensurethatthebracketremainsverticalandtightenthelockingbolts 5 Rotatethegirdlesupportbracketsothatlocatorpinisfacing forwards 6 Positionthesterndriveactuatorsoastolocatethefixedsupportpin onthegirdlesupportbracketintothehole...

Страница 61: ...refullyengagedintheactuatorgirdletube Failuretodosowillresultin autopilotfailureandpossiblesteeringsystemdamage 8 Positionthedriveunitpushrodoverthetopoftheadaptorpinand securewiththesafetyclip 9 Slowlyturnthesteeringsystemfromhard overtohard over Thedrive unitandtheadaptorpinbracketmustnottouchanypartoftheengine orsteeringsystem Thisincludesanyenginehosesthatmayhave onlypassingcontactwiththeautop...

Страница 62: ...bracket Tiller end block Split pin Cable end sheath R745a 1 3 Securetheassemblywiththesplitpin supplied 4 Withthehelmturnedhardtoport assembletheadaptorpinbracket tothecableendsheathasshown D1003 1 Adaptor bracket Forward Cable end sheath 6 5in 165mm Note Thesecuringboltsmustbeonthefrontorbowoftheboatside cableendsheath Also thebracketshouldbepositioned6 5in 165mm fromthegirdlesupportbracket ...

Страница 63: ...he girdle tube Girdle tube D1002 1 8 Carefully twist and lower the actuator in to the girdle support bracket until the spring pin locates into the opposite side of the girdle tube Note Both the solid and spring location pins must be fully engaged in the actuator girdle tube failure to do so will result in autopilot failure 9 Position the drive unit pushrod over the top of the adaptor pin and secur...

Страница 64: ...ve to the mounting bracket as follows 1 Remove the two fixing screws and carefully slide the cover forwards ensuring that the four cables do not pull away from the plugs inside the cover 2 Loosen off the lock nut and rotate the main body as required 3 Re tighten the lock nut securely making sure that the lock nut is no more than one turn from the start of the thread 4 Replace the cover taking care...

Страница 65: ... 2 Run the cable back to the course computer Secure the cable close to the drive unit but allowing sufficient free length to accommodate the drive unit movement 3 Once again using the steering wheel to move the rudder from hard over to hard over check that the cable does not catch on any part of the vessel fittings 4 The actuator cable has electrical connections for both the drive motor and the cl...

Страница 66: ...n any position A foam seal on the mounting flange ensures a watertight joint to the mounting surface The auxiliary alarm must be connected to the system via an NMEA interface 1 Drill a 7 8in 22mm diameter hole through the mounting panel as shown 2 Pass the two way connector block and cable through the drilled hole 3 Mount the auxiliary alarm in position using the four self tapping screws supplied ...

Страница 67: ... smooth and flat to ensure that there is adequate waterproofing 1 Use the template provided to mark the centers for the two fixing holes and outline of the body aperture 2 Drill the fixing holes and cut out the aperture for the body 3 Remove the mounting template and peel off the protective paper from the rear of the weather gasket and fix to the mounting surface 4 Pass the signal cable through th...

Страница 68: ...connected to the course computer as shown D984 1 FLUXGATE JOYSTICK GYRO Grey screen Blue Red Green Note Only one joystick can be connected 2 11 Masthead Transducer sail only To enable wind information to be made available to the SeaTalk system the wind transducer must be connected to the NMEA interface box ...

Страница 69: ...ting block to the mast using a suitable sealing compound 4 Tighten the locking ring securely 1 2 D756 1 1 Mounting block 2 Locking ring Cabling 1 Cut the cable with sufficent length to run from the monting block to the NMEA interface box 2 Feed the cable down the mast Note If the mast is deck stepped the cable should be passed through the deck and sealed using a proprietry gland fitting 3 Connect ...

Страница 70: ...Chapter 2 Installation 69 D1021 1 SeaTalk SeaTalk CLUTCH IN NMEA WINDVANE SEATALK SEATALK ALARM OUT Grey screen Red Yellow ...

Страница 71: ...ut ports Sentances decoded are as follows InputPort NMEA 0183 Data NMEA Header Received Cross Track Error APA APB RMB XTE XTR Bearing to Waypoint BPI BWR BWC BER BEC RMB APB Distance to Waypoint BPI BWR BWC BER BEC RMB WDR WDC Waypoint Number APB BPI BWR BWC BER BEC RMB APA WDR WDC BOD WCV Water Speed through the water VHW Apparent Wind Angle VWR Latitude Longitude GGA GLL GXA RMA RMC GXP GDF GDP ...

Страница 72: ... Latitude and Longitude GLL Magnetic Heading HDG HDM HDT True Heading HDT Locked Autopilot Heading HSC Course Over Ground VTG Speed Over Ground VTG Fix No Fix GLL 81004 11 Cabling Connect the NMEA output from a GPS Loran Decca etc to the NMEA input terminals on the course computer NMEA SeaTalk GPS Loran Decca Type 100 300 Course Computer D1064 1 NMEA out ...

Страница 73: ... on the radar etc to the NMEA output terminals on the course computer NMEA SeaTalk NMEA in Radar etc Type 100 300 Course Computer D1065 1 ST6000 ST7000 Control Unit NMEA Input The ST6000 ST7000 control units are fitted with an NMEA input port sentances decoded are as follows ...

Страница 74: ... and SOG VTG Cross Track Error XTE XTR APA APB RMB 81004 12 Cabling Connect the NMEA output from either a GPS Loran Decca Speed or Wind instrument to the NMEA input on the control unit D1066 1 ST7000 Control Unit Data 0v Red Blue Data tx NMEA out GPS Loran Decca Wind Instrument Speed Instrument NMEA Interface The NMEA interface is primarily designed to allow operation with other manufacturers equi...

Страница 75: ... BWC Waypoint Number Navcenter or Navdata or GPS BWC Apparent wind speed and direction Wind VWR Boat Speed Through water Speed or Tridata VHW Water Depth Depth or Tridata DBT Longitude and Latitude GPS or Navcenter or Navdata GLL Magnetic Heading Compass or SeaTalk Autopilot HDM HDG VHW True Heading Compass or SeaTalk Autopilot HDT VHW Locked autopilot heading SeaTalk Autopilot HSC Water Temperatu...

Страница 76: ...TG Fix No Fix GLL 81004 11 Cabling IN NMEA WINDVANE SEATALK SEATALK ALARM OUT D896 1 SeaTalk SeaTalk CLUTCH Grey screen Red Yellow Radar etc GPS Loran Decca Wind Instrument Speed Instrument Connect the NMEA interface box to the course computer SeaTalk connection or alternatively any other SeaTalk product using one of the available interface cables Other manufacturer s equipment can now be connecte...

Страница 77: ...nDrive nopartoftheautopilotdrivesystemfoulsanypartofthesteering systemorvesselsstructurethroughfulltravel themechanicalalignmentofthedriveunitisasspecifiedinthishand book themechanicalalignmentoftherudderreferencetransducerisas specifiedinthishandbook allconnectingwiresaresecuredclearofthebilgeandcannotfoulany partofthesteeringsystem Allconnectorsaretightlysecured allsecuringboltsarefullytightened...

Страница 78: ... Movethewheeltoproduceastarboardturn Therudderangleshould increaseandthedirectionindicator bedisplayed D1029 1 Ifthe rudderangleindicatorisdisplayedtheredandgreenwiresfrom therudderreferencetransducershouldbereversed 3 4 Rudder angle alignment Withtherudderamidships seeiftherudderangledisplayreadszero Misalignmentupto 7degreescanberemovedinthecalibration sequencewhichisexplainedlaterinthissection ...

Страница 79: ...HydraulicDrives WARNING Whenthesteeringsystemisbeingmovedmanually or underdrivefromtheautopilot donottouchanypartofthesystem Theforcesexertedareconsiderableandcouldcauseinjury 1 PushAUTO 2 Pressthe 10degreekeytodrivetherudderhardoverontotheend stops Note Thismayrequireincreasingtherudderlimitinthecalibrationmode 3 Makesurethedriveunitmountingshowsnosignofmovement 4 Forhydraulicsystems makesurether...

Страница 80: ...orereaching theoppositelock carefullycheckthevessel ssteeringsystemforany stiffnessormechanicaljamming Iftheconditionpersists settheAutoReleasefunctionto off 0 in calibrationandcontacttheProductSupportDepartmentatAutohelmfor furtheradvice Note TheAutoReleasefunctionshouldalwaysbesetto off 0 in calibrationifusinganydriveunitotherthanasterndriveactuator 3 9SettingtheAutopilotRudderLimit Alldrives Ha...

Страница 81: ...drift compensation aonce onlyoperation iscarriedoutbeforeselecting responselevel3 failuretocarryoutthisprocedurewillresultinrapid coursechangeswhenlevel3isselected Procedure Compensationforoffsetanddriftisachievedbysimplyusingtheautopilot inresponselevel1or2foratleast5minutesbeforeyouselectlevel3 Alternatively ifyouwanttouseresponselevel3assoonasyouengage AUTO thenthefollowingproceduremustbecarrie...

Страница 82: ...rialsandcanbefinetunedlatertooptimiseperformance Vessel Type Displacement Factory Preset Planing Set to Rudder Gain level 5 4 Rate Gain level 7 4 Rudder Angle Limit degrees 30 30 Turn Rate Limit degrees sec 20 12 Cruise Speed knots 8 25 Off Course Alarm degrees 20 20 Trim Level 1 3 Auto Adapt off on Autopilot Drive Unit Type Mechanica Drive Stern Drive Hydraulic Drive Hydraulic Linear Factory Pres...

Страница 83: ... calibration Toselectcalibration PressStandby PressandholdTrackandDisplayfor2secondstoaccessthe followingdisplay D1030 1 RUDDER 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 ST6000 ST7000 PressandholdTrackandDisplayforafurther2secondstoaccess thefollowingdisplay D1031 1 ST6000 ST7000 Cal Cal ...

Страница 84: ...nonto anewheading Acorrectlysetruddergainwill forexample turnsthe vesselcrisplyontothenewheadingwithanovershootofnomorethan2to 5degreesfora40degreecoursechange Ahighruddergainsettingwill resultinoversteer recognizedasanovershootofmorethan5degrees Aruddergainlevelthatistoolowwillresultinundersteergivingpoor steeringperformance WARNING Itismostimportantthattheruddergainiscorrectlyset onplaningcraft ...

Страница 85: ...ment 7 Semi displacement 7 Planing 5 Stern drive 81004 18 RudderOffset HelmAdjust RudderOffsetsetsthecontrolheadtoreadzerodegreesofrudderwhen thehelmispositionedamidships Therangeavailableisasfollows Range 7 to 7 degrees Default Setting 0 81004 19 RudderLimit RudderLimitrestrictsautopilotruddermovementtojustlessthanthe steeringsystemsmechanicalstops Thisavoidsputtingthesteering systemunderunnecess...

Страница 86: ...dshouldbesettothevessel snormalcruisingspeedandis usedintrackmode Note IfboatspeedisavailableoneithertheSeaTalkbusorviatheNMEA inputthiswillbetakenandusedinpreferencetotheCalibrationCruise Speed Therangeavailableisasfollows Range 4 to 60 knots Recommended setting 6 Displacement 8 Semi displacement 20 Planing 20 Stern drive 81004 22 OffCourseLimit OffCourseLimitwarnsyouiftheautopilotisunabletomaint...

Страница 87: ...ntoJoystickmovement the furthertheJoystickisheldoverthegreatertheappliedrudder Bang Bangappliescontinousrudderdriveinthedirectionoflevermove ment Toimprovecontrolthespeedofruddermovementchangeswiththe angleofthelever Formaximumspeedpushtheleverhardover Ifthelever isreturnedtothecenterpositiontherudderwillremaininitscurrent position Thesettingsavailableareasfollows Range 0 1 2 OFF Proportional Bang...

Страница 88: ...maybenoticedthattheautopilottendstobealittlelessstableon northerlyheadingsinhigherlatitudesofthenorthernhemisphereand southerlyheadingsinthesouthernhemisphere Thisiscausedbythe increasingangleofdipoftheearth smagneticfieldathigherlatitudes This hastheeffectofamplifyingtheruddergainonnortherly southerly headings affectingallmagneticcompassesandgettingworsethefurther awayfromtheequatoryouare Theauto...

Страница 89: ...tudeisusedtocompensateforNortherly Southerlyheadingserrors Thesettingsavailableareasfollows Range 0 to 80 degrees Default setting 0 degrees 81004 30 WindTrim WindtrimvariestheresponseoftheautopilotinVanemode Range 1 Fast response 2 Slow response Default setting 1 81004 31 ResponseLevel Thissetstheresponselevelwhenthepilotisswitchedon Thesettingsavailableareasfollows Range Level 1 Automatic sea sta...

Страница 90: ...llotherdrivesystemsAutorelease shouldbeturnedoff Thesettingsavailableareasfollows Range 0 Off 1 On Default setting N A Displacement N A Semi displacement N A Planing 1 On Stern drive 81004 33 4 4SavingCalibrationMode Toexitcalibrationmodeandsaveallchanges pressandholdTrackand Displayfor2seconds Changesmadetocalibrationsettingscan whilestillinthecalibration mode becancelledbyquittingasfollows Press...

Страница 91: ... PressResponse todecreasecontrast suitsviewingfromabove D1017 1 Normal viewing position Increase contrast ratio Decrease contrast ratio Tostorethecontrastselection pressDisplayandTracktogether momentarily 4 6PermanentWatchAlarm SFIA Ifapermanentwatchalarmisrequired pleasecontacttheAutohelm ProductSupportDepartmentoranauthoriseddealerforfurtherinforma tion 4 7RecordingCalibrationSettings Havingfine...

Страница 92: ...eviationCorrection Thedisplayedcompassheadingrequiresalignmentwiththeships compass Untilthisprocedureiscarriedout theautopilotcompass displaywillnotagreewiththeshipscompass Theautopilotwillcorrectthefluxgatecompassformostdeviating magneticfields Thiscorrectionprocedureshouldbecarriedoutincalm conditionspreferablyinflatwater Toselectcompassheadingalignmentandcorrection pushandhold STANDBYfor2second...

Страница 93: ...T7000 ST6000 D1019a 1 Note Ifthedeviationexceeds15degrees youshouldrelocatethe fluxgatecompass 3 Steadytheboatupononeheadingandusethecoursechangekeys toadjustthedisplayedheadinguntilitagreeswiththesteering compassoraknowntransitbearing 4 Toexitfluxgatealignment correctionandstorethesettings pushand holdSTANDBYfor2secondsuntilthepilotreturnsto STANDBY mode 5 Toexitfluxgatealignment correctionwithou...

Страница 94: ...ectionandstorethenewsettingpush andholdSTANDBYfor2secondsuntilthepilotreturnsto STANDBY mode 4 Toexitfluxgatelinearisationwithoutsavingthenewsettingpush STANDBYmomentarily 5 4 First Sea Trials Inclearwaters steertheboatontotherequiredheading 1 Holdthecoursesteadyfor5to10seconds 2 PressAUTOtolockontothecurrentheading Incalmconditionsa perfectlyconstantheadingwillbemaintained 3 Altercoursetoportands...

Страница 95: ...ilotwillrespondonlytotruevariationsincourse Toensureprecisecourseadjustmentstheseastatecontrolisautomati callyresetwheneverthecoursechangeknobisadjusted Level2 AutomaticSeaStateInhibit Whereincreasedcoursekeepingaccuracyisrequiredtheautomatic seastatecontrolcanbeinhibitedbymovingtoresponselevel2 Autopilotactivityandthereforepowerconsumptionwillbeincreased Level3 AutomaticSeaStateInhibitandcounterr...

Страница 96: ...ictrimhasbeenfullyestablished This maytakeuptotwominutes Itisrecommendedthefollowingprocedureisadoptedforlargecourse changes Noterequiredheading SelectSTANDBYandsteermanually Bringvesselontonewheading Select AUTOandletvesselsettleontocourse Bringtofinalcoursewith1degreecoursechangeincrements Itissoundseamanshiptomakemajorcoursechangesonlywhilststeering manually Inthiswayanyobstructionsorothervesse...

Страница 97: ...icularlyapparentwhen changingcourse Thisiscorrectedbyincreasingtheruddersetting These tendenciesaremosteasilyrecognizedincalmseaconditionswherewave actiondoesnotmaskbasicsteeringperformance Typically ifatcruisingspeedacoursechangeof40degreesresultsinan overshootofbetween2 5degrees theruddergainiscorrectlyadjusted PusheitherRESPONSEkeyforaccesstoRudderGain Adjusteitherside ofthecalibratedsettingtop...

Страница 98: ...ually WhentheautopilotisusedwiththespeedinputfromanAutohelm SeaTalkSpeedinstrumentorisreceivingboatspeedviaitsNMEA input Ruddergainisautomaticallyadjustedwithboatspeed After settingthegainatplaningspeednofurthermanualadjustmentshould berequired Warning Whenspeedinformationisfedtotheautopilotviathe NMEAinputalwayscheckthedisplayedspeedisclosetothe actual boat speed before locking the autopilot onto...

Страница 99: ...eel ThiswillreturntheautopilottoStandbyandsoundthecontrolunit buzzerfor10seconds Thereisaslightdelaybeforetheautopilotwill returntoStandby CAUTION Excessiveforceisnotrequiredandwillnotreducethisdelay WiththeautopilotinAutoandclearofobstruction turnthesteeringwheel toobservethemanualoverride Repeattwoorthreetimesuntilyouare confidentwithitsoperation Themanualoverrideisintendedforemergencyuseonly Th...

Страница 100: ...ection2 13 IfthenavigationsystemtransmitsthecorrectNMEA0183sentences the autopilotwillreceiveanddisplaybearingtowaypoint distanceto waypoint waypointnumberandcrosstrackerror IfittransmitsNMEA0180onlycrosstrackerrorwillbedisplayed Beforeattemptingseatrials makesurethatthecontrolunitisreceiving navigationdatabyusingtheDisplaykeytobringituponthecontrol unitLCD Note Ifdataisnotbeingreceiveditisimpossi...

Страница 101: ...TYPE100 300OperationandInstallationHandbook 100 ...

Страница 102: ... sinstrument system 2 UsinganAutohelmST50windinstrumentconnectedusingthe SeaTalkbus Theautopilotuseswindtrimtoeliminatetheeffectsofturbulenceand shorttermwindvariationstoprovidesmooth preciseperformanceunder windvanewithminimumpowerconsumption Windtrimusesthefluxgate compassastheprimaryheadingreference andaschangesinthe apparentwindangleoccur thecompassheadingisadjustedtomaintain theoriginalappare...

Страница 103: ...TYPE100 300OperationandInstallationHandbook 102 ...

Страница 104: ...87 RudderGain 83 RudderLimit 84 RudderOffset 84 SavingCalibration 89 Selectingcalibration 82 TrimLevel 86 Turnrate 85 WindTrim 88 Compass Alignment without deviation correction 93 ConstantRunningHydraulicPump Cabling 42 Mounting 41 Plumbing 44 Control Unit ST6000 7000 Cabling 26 Mounting 25 Course Computer Cabling 22 Mounting 22 Cruise Speed 85 Current limit and cutout 78 D Display Contrast Adjust...

Страница 105: ...inearDriveUnit 53 Mounting 54 Cabling 55 RotaryDriveUnit 49 Mounting 49 Cabling 52 SterndriveActuator 56 Mounting 56 Cabling 64 NMEAInterface 73 RotaryRudderReference 30 Mounting 30 Cabling 32 Introduction AuxiliaryAlarm 18 CourseComputer 11 DriveSystems 13 ConstantRunningHydraulic Pump 16 HydraulicLinear 15 LinearDrive ReversingHydraulicPump 14 RotaryDriveUnits 13 SternDrive 16 FluxgateCompass 11...

Страница 106: ...ation 82 Setting the Autopilot Rudder Limit All drives 79 Sterndrive Actuator Cabling 64 Mounting 56 Switch on 76 System test 76 T Track Control 99 Trim Level 86 TurnRate 85 W WindTransducer Cabling 68 Mounting 67 Wind Trim 88 Windvane Control Sail Only 101 ...

Страница 107: ...tion 21 Pump to Cylinder Specifica tions 35 R Rate Level 84 Recording Calibration Settings 90 Response Control 94 Response Level 88 Reversing Hydraulic Pump 14 Rotary Drive Unit Cabling 52 Mounting 49 RotaryRudderReferenceTrans ducer Cabling 32 Mounting 30 Rudder angle alignment 77 Rudder angle sense 78 Rudderdeadband 78 RudderDeadband Rudder Damping 87 RudderGain 83 Rudder Gain Adjustment with Sp...

Страница 108: ......

Страница 109: ...NautechLimited AnchoragePark Portsmouth P035TD England Telephone 0705 693611 Fax 0705 694642 ...
