To Remedy the Problem
Find the problem and rectify. This may mean reconnecting the cable, or finding the dam-
aged section and replacing it. If the cause of the fault is not obvious by visual inspection,
it is often useful to subdivide the system and test individual sections with a TraceTek
Portable Test Box.
As soon as the fault is rectified, the relay, LED, and LCD screen return to their
normal state:
System Normal
15:53 14-Feb-1996
Several conditions could lead to a fault alarm:
• A cable is disconnected.
• A cable is damaged.
• A connection is damaged.
• There is a problem with the module.
What the Module Does
The following shows how the alarm display would appear if the fault were caused by a
broken or disconnected cable. (The TTDM would display a different message for a differ-
ent type of fault, such as a loss of continuity in only one of the sensing loops):
When a fault condition is detected, the following occur:
• An audible alarm sounds.
• The green Monitoring LED turns off (no longer able to detect a leak).
• The red Fault LED turns on.
• Interfaces react.
The following actions should be taken:
• Silence the audible alarm.
• Remedy the problem.
To Silence the Audible Alarm
Press the red Silence key to silence the alarm.
Cable Break
17:53 14-Feb-1996
Fault Events