[email protected] | 1-800-713-9009 | raven.com/support
4. Click “SCAN”.
5. Preview thumbnails of the scanned pages and make any necessary edits.
Scanning Your Document to E-mail Addresses
1. Load the single sided document Face Up with the top left edge set against the
left side of the scanner.
2. Verify the paper guide is aligned properly with the paper.
3. Select “Email” as a Destination in your desired Raven Desktop workflow.
4. Enter email address or addresses to receive the scan, or select from saved
contacts in the drop down menu.
5. Click “SCAN”.
6. Preview thumbnails of the scanned pages and make any necessary edits.
Scanning Your Document to USB Flash Drives
1. Insert a USB Flash Drive or External USB Hard Drive into the computer.
2. Click on Manage next to destinations on Raven Desktop.
3. Click the +Folder icon in the upper right.
4. Select the USB flash drive/HD that you are wanting to send to
5. Load the single sided document Face Up with the top left edge set against the
left side of the scanner.
6. Verify the paper guide is aligned properly with the paper.
7. Select your newly created USB/HDD destination as the destination
8. Click “SCAN”.
9. Preview thumbnails of the scanned pages and make any necessary edits.
10.Click Send.
Scanning Your Document to Google Drive
1. Connect your Google Drive account within your account settings by visiting
2. Load the single sided document Face Up with the top left edge set against the
left side of the scanner.
3. Verify the paper guide is aligned properly with the paper.