Resumed Instruction Manual POS Safe RT 750
Fasten the Safe
To fasten the RT 750 please use the enclosed fastening screws. Fix them into the specific
openings found on top and on the lower side of the Safe. Fix the screws to the desired area in the
Point of Sale.
Tip: Place the RT 750 in the POS area but not visible to the customers.
Open the safe
Type the code and confirm it with the hash (#) key. After hearing the signal tone, rotate the
handle in clockwise direction. In case a false code has been entered, an abuzz tone arises and
the code will have to be typed again.
Pin Code adjustment
1) Operator Code (4-digit)
The initial Operator Code is 1111. To change the Operator Code, type (when the door is opened) a
new 4-digit code and confirm it by pressing the hash (#) key (e.g. 2222#). The new code will be
activated after closing the door.
2) Supervisor Code (6-digit)
The initial Supervisor Code is 123456. To change the Supervisor Code, type (when the door is
opened) the star (*) key 3 times and then type the actual Supervisor Code. Confirm it by pressing
the hash (#) key. A signal tone will confirm the code. Subsequently, press the star (*) key and
type the desired 6-digit code. Confirm it by pressing the hash (#) key (e.g. ***123456#
3) Master Code (8-digit)
This code should only be used in case the Operator and Supervisor Codes are unknown because,
after typing the Master Code, the Supervisor Code will reset to factory setting (123456).
Please note: The Master Code has been individually adjusted for each specific Safe. This code
cannot be changed. Keep the Master Code in a secure place. In case of loss, the code will not be
subsequently provided by the Producer/Sales Representative.
Open with a time interval
The Safe cannot be opened immediately. Press the hash (#) key to activate the countdown. After
time expiry, a new signal tone will arise. Enter the code during the sound and press the hash (#)
key. In case a false code has been entered, a signal will arise and you will then be able to enter
the correct code.
Please note: The Safe can be directly opened, even without having activated the countdown, by
typing the Master Code and confirming it with the hash (#) key.
Time interval system
Open the door to activate the time interval. Subsequently, press the star (*) key and choose a
number between 0 and 9. Confirm this with the hash (#) key. The time interval can be graded
considering the following: