You can now Apply the profile and start gaming. Before you do, here are the explanations for the additional
options in the Profile Context Menu.
Link to Program – This will open up a file explorer
window. You will need to browse to, and select, the .exe
file that is associated with the game or application you
want the profile to be associated with. The profile will
then be automatically activated when that program
window is in focus. If the linked profile is not already on
the RAT, it will be temporarily loaded into the currently
selected profile slot until the linked program window is
no longer in focus. If the linked profile is already in a
memory slot on the RAT, that slot will be automatically
selected when the linked program window is in focus.
When the linked program window is not in focus, the
profile slot will revert back to its original state.
Rename – Activates the text input cursor in order to
rename the profile.
Delete – Deletes a profile from your system.
Print – Prints the profile and its assignments for reference.
Once you are happy with your profile, click Apply.