What range can I expect ?
The generally expected range is recorded in the
Technical Specification Sheet. Remember, range
can be affected by many things such as:
• Temperature. Cold weather can reduce the output
of the batteries.
• Type of terrain. Obviously climbing hills takes
more energy than driving on the flat.
• Weight of the person.
• The condition and charge of the batteries.
• Faulty or old batteries or a faulty charger.
NB. Always use the correct charger with the correct
batteries and ensure the scooter is fully charged
before you start out.
How long should I keep my vehicle before I
change it?
We estimate a service life of five years for this
product (excluding batteries and tyres) provided it is
used in strict accordance with the intended use as
set out in this document and all maintenance and
service requirements are met. The estimated service
life can be exceeded if the product is carefully used
and properly maintained, and provided technical
and scientific advances do not result in technical
limitations. The service life can also be considerably
reduced by extreme or incorrect usage. The fact
that we estimate a service life for this product does
not constitute an additional warranty.
It is important that the vehicle you have suits your
needs and abilities. Your scooter should serve you
well for many years but change it if at any time you
feel it no longer meets your needs. Consult your
dealer on the condition of your vehicle and remem-
ber vehicles of any type become more expensive to
maintain the older they get.
Engineer’s Checklist
for the Rascal Vecta
Sport Scooter
Obtain all comments from the customer on the
condition and serviceability of the scooter and then
complete an Initial diagnostic road test. Record all
defects to be corrected. Now check, test and
complete the following:
• Wheel bearings wear and lubricate.
• Wheel alignment and tracking
• Pre-set speed control works correctly
• Wear or damage to tyres and/or wheels
• Bodywork fixtures for damage, or cracking
• Throttle play and adjustment
• Built-in batteries and internal electrical
connections for condition and corrosion
• USB power accessory socket is functioning
properly and that the dust/moisture cap is present
• Check all cables for damage, abrasion, corrosion
and that screening is intact. Replace as necessary
• USB power system – check output
• Lighting - check all lighting works
• Steering bearing (adjust as required)
• Tiller adjustment - functioning, wear and damage
• All assembly spigots and hooks for wear
or damage
• Seat mounting for wear or damage
• Seat mechanisms locate and operate correctly
and spring lever engages. Lubricate as necessary
• Handlebar alignment
• Check motor and gearbox for unusual noise or
vibration; investigate as necessary
• Electromagnetic brake operation – does the
scooter slow when the hand control is released?
• Does the brake engage when the scooter is
pushed when in freewheel?
• Emergency and regen brake system - Check
adjustment and function
• Freewheel operation.
• Frame for damage or cracks.
• General check for corrosion, repair or protect as
• All operational controls work correctly.
• Battery condition and charger operation.
• Tighten all nuts & bolts
• Correct all defects found and determine if the
vehicle is roadworthy
• Final road test
• Clean the vehicle
• Customer road test
Important Note for the Engineer
Enquire if the customer is satisfied with the
product. Please report all points good or bad
directly to: Electric Mobility 01460 258100 If you
have any comments please include them.