L557 0914VKM
Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice Printed in U.S.A.
530 Orange Street, Millville, NJ 08332 USA
Telephone: 856 825-4900 FAX: 856-825-4409
Southern Office and Plant:
3101 SW Second Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 USA
Telephone: 954-525-0378 FAX: 954-764-4370
For installation plumbing, operation, specific warnings as well as Limited
Warranty Terms and Conditions - Please refer to Toilet Manual
Step 5:
• Install pump handle using hex wrench provided
Step 6:
• Connect intake water supply line and discharge hose (Refer to Fresh Head Manual)
Step 7:
• Turn on water supply, operate toilet (Refer to Fresh Head Manual) and check for leaks.
Step 8:
Install pump cover and vacuum breaker cover