This section outlines the options relating to software that are available for the Kestrel
5.1 XCAP Compatibility
Raptor works closely with EPIX who integrate all the Raptor camera models into their XCAP
Imaging Software package. XCAP is the core plug and play software package that is offered
with Raptor cameras.
5.2 LabView Compatibility
Upon request, Raptor can create a LabView .icd file which can be used to control the
camera on National Instruments imaging tool NI MAX. The file may also be useful if
attempting to create your own LabView VI.
5.3 Custom Software Interfacing
Raptor works closely with EPIX Inc, who integrates all of our cameras into their software
package, XCAP. The EPIX frame grabbers are the models that we offer with our cameras.
We offer their Software Development Kit (SDK) for interfacing with custom software (XCLIB).
If using a frame grabber from a different company, you will have to obtain their SDK to
implement a custom solution.