ball flight
How fast a pitch is traveling during
flight, measured in miles per hour
Strike Zone Analysis
Instantly see Strike Zone feedback
while automatically tracking Strike
Percentage and Heat Map Breakdowns.
Spin Rate
The rate at which the ball spins during
flight, measured in rotations per minute
(RPM). There is a stronger correlation
between spin rate and swinging-strike
percentage than between velocity and
swinging-strike percentage.
Spin Direction
The tilt or angle of the baseball from
the release point, measured in
degrees, created by the Magnus
effect. The Magnus Effect is created
by the air pressure surrounding the
spinning baseball on its path to home
Spin Efficiency
The percentage of spin directly
impacting the movement of a pitch.
Spin Efficiency is the ratio of true spin
to total spin.
Pitch Break
How much a ball has moved when it
crosses the strike zone compared to
what its position would have been
without spin. Break is measured
horizontally and vertically in inches.
3D Trajectory
The ball flight is show in two trajecto-
ries. A dotted line represents what
the pitch would have done without
spin and the solid line represents the
actual movement of the pitch.
True Spin Rate
The spin directly impacting the
movement of a pitch. Also known as
“useful spin,” it is perpendicular to the
direction the ball is traveling, deflect-
ing the otherwise straight horizontal
and vertical path of the ball.