XG555 CAN to DeviceNet Gateway
April 21, 2005
Remote File Operations
Communication with the gateway console is accomplished via the gateway COMM port at 9600
bps, no parity, 8 data bits, and one stop bit, using a terminal emulator program on a host PC. Rapid
Controls provides a terminal emulator, COMM.EXE. Programs such as ProComm and Windows
HyperTerminal may also be used. Connect a Null modem cable between the Gateway COMM port and the
Host PC serial port.
Programs and data on the transducer bridge flash drive can be accessed from a remote host using
the utility programs COMM.EXE and TRANSFER.EXE. The TRANSFER program runs on the transducer
bridge, and acts as an XMODEM server of the flash drive. The XMODEM function of the COMM
program is a simple communications program that allows the flash disk to be access as a virtual drive on
the host computer.
Once you have the terminal emulator running on the host PC and connected to the Gateway you can
interrupt the Gateways program by typing “SHELL”. Note that “shell” must be typed slowly enough not to
activate the menu: 1 character every second. If the setup menu is displayed, press ‘Q’ and attempt again.
Once you have exited the transducer gateway program, you will see the “C:>” prompt of the
Gateway. You can then send or receive files from the Gateway. To download files to the gateway type:
” and press enter. You will see the message “Receiving
”. Activate the
XMODEM upload function of the terminal emulator (For COMM and ProComm press the PGUP key and
select XMODEM, For HyperTerminal select the Transfer pull down menu). Once the XMODEM function
has started you will see transfer status information printed while the file is transferred. When it is finished
Type “DIR
” to insure that the file has been transferred correctly. Once the transfer is complete
power cycle the XG555.
These instructions assume you have a null cable between the gateway and the host pc and that the
gateway is running it's normal program. It also assumes you have a floppy with SAPPI.EXE on it.
1. Start Comm on your host computer.
1. Exit the gateways main program by typing "SHELL" one character per second. You will see the
"C:>" prompt. If you see the transducer maintenance screen press “Q” and start over.
2. Type "Transfer Sappi.exe" and press enter. The gateway should display a message “Receiving
3. Press the PGUP key. Select XMODEM protocol and enter “A:SAPPI.EXE”
4. The file will be transferred to the gateway. The letter ‘T’ is printed as a progress indicator. It will
take a while to transfer the program.
5. When it is completed type “dir SAPPI.EXE” and you should see the correct file information
regarding the SAPPI file. The file length may be slightly longer as the transfer program pads up to
the nearest 256 bytes of length.
6. Reboot the gateway and it will have the new program on it.
Program Upgrades
A program upgrade can be accomplished by using the Transfer and Comm utilities, and copying
the new program file or files to the flash disk. The following is a list of all files that must be on the flash
disk for proper operation: