XG555 CANbus to DeviceNet Transducer Gateway
April 21, 2005
Product Specification for CANbus to DeviceNet
Transducer Gateway
The XG555 CANbus to DeviceNet Temposonics Gateway gathers position information from as many as
four Temposonics CANBUS transducers, each with multiple magnets. This information is provided to a
host over a DeviceNet interface. Setup information is stored on the local flash disk. The system is
comprised of an embedded industrial computer, with a PC-104 stack providing hardware interfaces. The
PC-104 stack includes the processor, a CANBUS interface, and a DeviceNet interface.
Up to eight channels of MTS Temposonics CANBUS position information
Up to 15 magnets per transducer
DeviceNet interface
Full transducer resolution is provided
Non-volatile flash storage of setup data
Watchdog timer for reset upon software failure
Convenient screw terminal connections
Eight channels of 24 bit magnetostrictive transducer measurement via CANbus using MTS protocol
Device Net slave interface
Intel 80386 processor
Maximum 1 ms DeviceNet interface response time
Linear interpolation of transducer linearization data
4Mbytes of non-volatile flash storage
Power requirements: + 24V
Enclosure is 14 x 10 in