All features & specifications subject to change without notice. FEB98
Since numerous applications exist for the SM 26B, no
single set of operational procedures control its use. Rane Note
108 (included) explores the many configurations of the
SM 26B in depth, and you should peruse it for applications
There exist within the SM 26B some signal routing
options, requiring removal of the top cover to move some
If an SM 26B needs to have an additional set of indepen-
dent outputs, as in a 2x4 stereo distribution amplifier (see
Rane Note 108, Figure 10), the LEFT and RIGHT MIX
OUTPUTS can be used in addition to the 6 MONO OUTS.
Normally, the LEFT and RIGHT MIX OUTPUTS produce
the sum mix of all 6 LEVEL and PAN controls. To break any
Channel away from the Mix Output bus, jumpers have been
Jumper 1W2 connects MONO OUT 1 to the mix
bus. 2W2 connects MONO OUT 2, 3W2 connects MONO
OUT 3, and so on.
As noted elsewhere in this manual,
never use a power
supply with your SM 26B other than the one supplied with
your unit or an exact replacement obtained from Rane
The SM 26B’s power supply is an AC supply,
which is a 18 - 24 volt center tapped transformer capable of
supplying the current demanded by this product. Using any
other type of supply may damage the mixer and void the
If after hooking up your system it exhibits excessive
hum or buzzing, there is an incompatibility in the ground-
ing configuration between units somewhere. Your
mission, should you accept it, is to discover how your
particular system wants to be grounded. Here are some
things to try:
1. Try combinations of lifting grounds on units that
are supplied with ground lift switches or links.
2. If your equipment is in a rack, verify that all chassis
are tied to a good earth ground, either through the line
cord grounding pin or the rack screws to another
grounded chassis.
3. Units with outboard power supplies, such as the SM
26, do not ground the chassis through the line cord. Make
sure that these units are grounded either to another chassis
which is earth grounded, or directly to the grounding
screw on an AC outlet cover by means of a wire con-
nected to a screw on the chassis with a star washer to
guarantee proper contact.
Please refer to RaneNote 110, “Sound System Inter-
connection” in this manual for further information on
system grounding.
©Rane Corporation 10802 47th Ave. W., Mukilteo WA 98275-5098 TEL (425)-355-6000 FAX (425)-347-7757 WEB http://www.rane.com