VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Flatness Cal – Tolerance
Defines the maximum deviation of the measured power from the cal power. The cali-
bration procedure is stopped if "Max Iterations" is reached or if the measured power is
within the "Tolerance".
Remote command:
Flatness Cal – Convergence
Modifies the amount of power correction for each of the flatness calibration sweeps.
The power correction in each sweep, as controlled by the calibrated reference receiver
(a-wave receiver), is multiplied by the selected convergence factor. With a conver-
gence factor larger (smaller) than 1, the source power correction after each flatness
calibration step is larger (smaller) than the measured deviation from the desired power.
For analyzer test ports, a convergence factor 1 is appropriate. Start the calibration with
a convergence factor 1 and choose smaller values (0.8 ... 0.4) in case that the iteration
fails. Inappropriate convergence factors can slow down the flatness calibration or even
prevent convergence.
Remote command:
Flatness Cal – Pwr Cal Method
Defines how power calibrations are performed.
"Ref. Receiver
Use a power meter for the calibration of the reference receiver, and
the calibrated reference receiver for the flatness calibration.
"Power Meter
Use a power meter for the calibration of the reference receiver
the flatness calibration.
"Ref. Receiver
Perform a flatness calibration using the reference receiver. Do not
recalibrate the reference receiver; use the best available reference
receiver calibration instead.
"Ref. Receiver after" is the default behavior.
Remote command:
Power Meter
Shows a list of all power meters that have been properly configured and are available
for the power calibration of a source port. The last configured power meter is selected
by default. See
Remote command:
Auto Zero
Initiates an automatic zeroing procedure of the selected power meter.
The power meter must be disconnected from the RF power; see
on page 307. A message indicates that zeroing is finished.
Remote command:
Cal softtool