VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Peak Left / Peak Right
Sets the active marker to the next local maximum or minimum to the left or right of the
current marker position, depending on the selected
Remote command:
CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:FUNCtion:EXECute LPEak | RPEak
CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:REFerence:FUNCtion:EXECute LPEak |
Peak Type
Defines the peak type to be searched for using
If "Max" is active, then the marker is set to the next maximum. The next maximum
is the maximum with the largest response value that is below the current marker
response value.
If "Min" is active, then the marker is set to the next minimum. The next minimum is
the minimum with the smallest response value that is above the current marker
response value.
If "Min or Max" is active, then the marker is set to the next minimum or maximum,
whichever has the smallest distance from the current marker response value.
Remote command:
Search Range...
Enables/disables tracking of the active marker for the current
, which cau-
ses the marker to be updated after each sweep (or after each sweep point in case of
"Sweep Progress").
Among the available search modes, the tracking functionality only makes sense for:
"Min" and " Max", where such an update typically causes the marker to change
both its horizontal and vertical position and
"Target Search", where typically only the horizontal position changes
"Sweep Progress" for long duration sweeps
Define an adequate "Search Range" to restrict the search to the adequate frequency or
power interval (see
Chapter, "Search Range dialog"
Tracking for bandfilter search can be activated separately, see
Remote command:
Marker Config...
Marker Search softtool