VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Remote command:
All Off
Disables all markers of the active trace.
Markers remember their "Marker Props" while disabled (see
on page 452). The marker properties are definitely lost when the associ-
ated trace is deleted.
To disable a single marker, drag it into vertical direction to release it from the trace
and drop it onto the "Delete" icon.
Remote command:
Delta Mode
Enables/disables the "Delta Mode" for the active marker. At the same time, enables the
This function is inactive if the reference marker is the active marker.
Remote command:
Mkr 1 ... Mkr 10
Creates the markers numbered 1 to 10 and assigns them to the active trace. When a
marker is created, a triangle labeled "M<i>" is positioned on the trace and the marker
coordinates are displayed in the movable info field.
The stimulus position of an active marker can be entered in the "Mkr <i> Stimulus"
entry field. The default position is the center of the sweep range. You can also drag
and drop markers in a diagram to change their X position.
If the
is "Arbitrary", also the response value (Y position) can be changed.
See also
"Activating and moving markers"
Remote command:
Ref Mkr
Creates a reference marker and assigns it to the active trace. When a marker is cre-
ated, a triangle labeled "R" is positioned on the trace and the marker coordinates are
displayed in the info field.
The stimulus position of the active reference marker can be entered in the "Ref Marker
Stimulus" entry field. The default position is the start of the sweep range or the position
of the last active marker.
The reference marker defines the reference value for all markers that are in "Delta
Marker Settings softtool