VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Controls on the Trigger tab
The trigger settings are also valid for calibration sweeps. Hence, in external trigger
mode, the external trigger signal must be available during the system error correction,
too. To start the calibration sweeps without delay, use the "FreeRun" trigger type.
The following buttons in the "Trigger" tab open related dialogs:
"Trigger Manager...":
FreeRun / External / Manual / Multiple Triggers
These four buttons select the trigger source:
In "FreeRun" mode, a new measurement is started immediately without waiting for
a trigger event and without fixed time reference. The remaining trigger settings are
not valid.
"FreeRun" means that a measurement in "Continuous" sweep mode is repeated as
fast as possible.
In "External" trigger mode, the measurement is triggered by an external 5 V TTL
signal, applied to one of the following rear panel connectors:
BNC connector Trigger In
Pin 2 of the Aux. Port connector
ZNL only, requires
The trigger inputs are equivalent; no additional setting for signal routing is required.
For detailed specifications of the trigger signals, refer to
The "External" trigger mode can be configured using the
In "Manual" trigger mode, the trigger signal is generated by the "Manual Trigger"
If "Multiple Triggers" is active, the trigger sources for different triggered measure-
ment sequences, the trigger slope, and the trigger delay can be selected individu-
ally using the
Sweep Softtool