Getting Started
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
● "Duplicate" : both internal and external monitor
7. Tap "Apply" to try out the settings before they are accepted permanently, then you
can easily return to the previous settings, if necessary.
8. Select "OK" if the settings are suitable.
Fixing a wrong touchscreen mapping
For instruments that are equipped with a system image version < 0.8, the touchscreen
function is erroneously mapped to the external monitor by default. This mismatch is
particularly inconvenient in extended display mode, where touch gestures on the
instrument screen actually operate on the external screen. In duplicate monitor mode,
touch screen operation also malfunctions if the resolutions of the internal and external
display do not match.
To fix the mapping between touchscreen and display, connect an external monitor to
the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE and proceed as follows:
1. Select [Setup] > "Display" > "Configure Monitor" > "Display Switch" to bring up the
Windows 10 "PROJECT" notification window.
Or press [Win]+[P] on a connected keyboard.
2. Select "Extend".
3. In the Windows task bar, search for "tablet" and select "Tablet PC Settings"
4. In the "Tablet PC Settings" dialog, select "Setup…". Enter the administrator pass-
word to proceed.
Observe the message "Touch this screen to identify it as the touchscreen" on the
touch screen.
5. Tap on the internal touch screen.
6. Press [ENTER].
Observe the message "Touch this screen to identify it as the touchscreen" on the
7. If the external monitor is also a touchscreen, tap on it.
8. Press [ENTER].
Touch screen operation functions correctly now. Use the "PROJECT" flyout again
to select the appropriate display mode.
Refer to the "Ve Options" tab of the [Setup] > "System Configuration" dialog to
determine the "Image" version of your instrument.
Windows operating system
The instrument contains the Windows operating system which has been configured
according to the instrument's features and needs. Changes in the system setup are
Preparing for use