Network and remote settings
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Remote command:
Remote Display Update
Defines whether the display of the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE is updated when changing from
manual operation to remote control.
Turning off the display update function improves performance during remote control.
Usually, this function remains available on the display during remote operation.
However, it can be disabled remotely. In this case, the display is not updated during
remote operation, and cannot be turned on again locally until local operation is
Remote command:
GPIB Terminator
Changes the GPIB receive terminator.
According to the standard, the terminator in ASCII is <LF> and/or
For binary data transfers (e.g. trace data) from the control computer
to the instrument, the binary code used for <LF> might be included in
the binary data block, and therefore should not be interpreted as a
terminator in this particular case. This can be avoided by using only
the receive terminator
Remote command:
I/O Logging
Activates or deactivates the SCPI error log function. All remote control commands
received by the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE are recorded in a log file. The files are named accord-
ing to the following syntax:
where <no.> is a sequential number
A new log file is started each time logging was stopped and is restarted.
Logging the commands may be extremely useful for debug purposes, e.g. in order to
find misspelled keywords in control programs.
Remote command:
Display Remote Errors
Activates and deactivates the display of errors that occur during remote operation of
the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE. If activated, the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE displays a message box at the
bottom of the screen that contains the type of error and the command that caused the
Network and remote control settings