GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 55
) and a TTL signal indicating pass or fail can be
generated in addition.
Ripple check and display of limit lines are independent of each other:
The ripple limits can be displayed, no matter if the ripple check is enabled.
If "Ripple Check" is enabled, the ripple limits are checked, no matter if they are
The ripple check can even be enabled, if no limit lines are defined. In this case,
the info field displays "No ripple defined!" and the limit check always passes.
For each trace, ripple limits can only be set for a single cartesian trace format. If
another trace format is selected, the ripple limit lines are hidden and the ripple
check is suspended.
Remote command:
Ripple Fail Beep
Activates or deactivates the fail beep. The fail beep is a low-tone acoustic signal that is
generated each time the analyzer detects an exceeded ripple limit. No fail beep can be
generated if the ripple limit check is switched off.
In contrast to the R&S
ZNB, the R&S
ZNBT does not have a built-in audio
device and loudspeaker. To hear these sounds, connect a USB audio device to the
ZNBT or operate it via remote desktop.
Remote command:
Show Results All Traces
Defines the visibility of ripple info fields in the active recall set.
If disabled, only the ripple info field of the active trace is displayed (in case it has
ripple check enabled).
If enabled, ripple info fields are displayed for all traces with ripple check enabled.
Lines Softtool