User Environment Files
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Example: Antenna with four sectors
The following is a file describing an antenna with four sectors.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<antenna_descr count="1" use_same_pattern="no">
<antenna id="1" YawAxis_Z_offset="0" PitchAxis_Y_offset="0"
RollAxis_X_offset="0" Yaw_offset="0" Pitch_offset="90"
Roll_offset="0" />
<az_res> 90.00000 </az_res>
<elev_res> 90.00000 </elev_res>
describes the used tags and parameters.
Table A-4: Format of *.body_mask, *.ant_pat and *.phase files
Tag name
Defines antenna pattern File
Contains the descriptions of the antennas
Number of antenna patterns. Value range = 1 to 4.
Specify whether the same data section is used for all
the antennas or not.
"yes": the data section is used for all antennas
"no": the data section is augmented with the data
of all antennas consecutively
Descriptions of the individual antenna
Antenna identification number
Position shift of the antenna along the X/Y/Z axis rela-
tive to the center of gravity of the body
Value in meters
Angular shift of the antenna along the X/Y/Z axis of the
Value in degrees
Resolution of the columns in the data section
Value in degrees integer divider of 360
Antenna Pattern and Body Mask Files