Acquisition and waveform setup
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
The settings for active voltage probes with Rohde
Schwarz probe interface are:
Probe unit, Auto attenuation
If the probe is recognized by the R&S
RTO6, the instrument reads the attenuation unit
and value from the probe an displays them.
Remote command:
Micro button action
Active voltage probes with Rohde
Schwarz probe interface have a configurable
micro button on the probe head. Pressing this button, you start an action on the instru-
ment directly from the probe. The button is disabled during internal automatic pro-
cesses, for example, during self-alignment, autoset, and find level.
Select the action that you want to start from the probe:
"Run Continuous"
Is the default assignment. Starts or stops the acquisition (same as
Run Stop key).
"Run single"
Starts a defined number of acquisitions (same as [Single] key).
"Auto set"
Starts the autoset procedure (same as Autoset key).
Starts an auto zero measurement, see
"Set offset to mean"
Performs an automatic compensation for a DC component of the
input signal using the result of a background mean measurement.
"Save image to file"
Saves the current display as image according to the image settings.
See also
"No action"
Select this option to prevent unwanted actions due to unintended
usage of the micro button.