Operating the Instrument
Getting Started 1317.4710.02 ─ 05
Math waveforms:
Five mathematic waveforms can be created with mathematic operations performed
on channel, reference and other math waveforms. Four math waveforms can be
displayed on the screen.
Zoom waveforms show the details of the active waveforms
XY-waveform: this waveform is build from the voltage values of two channel wave-
forms. The intensity of the xy-waveform can be defined by a third channel wave-
Digital channels (logic signals) if Mixed Signal Option R&S
RTM-B1 is installed
The color system helps to distinguish the various waveforms. The color of the vertical
rotary knobs and the waveform label indicate the selected waveform - the waveform
that is focused.
Waveform states
Depending on its display and the effect of settings, a waveform has one of the follow-
ing states:
Active: The waveform is shown
Selected: One of the active waveforms that has the focus. All waveform-specific
settings are applied to the selected waveform. The POSITION and SCALE knobs
and the SIGNAL OFF key light up in the color of the selected waveform, and the
waveform label is highlighted. If several waveforms are displayed, the selected
waveform appears "on top".
To switch on a channel waveform
A channel waveform is activated as soon as you connect the probe. You can switch it
on and off according to your needs.
► To switch on a channel waveform, press its channel key.
The waveform appears in the window; it is active and selected.
To switch off a channel waveform
► Select the waveform by pressing its channel key, and then press SIGNAL OFF.
5.3 Accessing the Functionality
You control the instrument with function keys and softkeys. Softkeys are located below
the screen; their current functionality is shown in the menu.
Function keys (hardkeys)
Depending on the function behind, the function keys have different effects:
Most of the function keys open the associated menu - for example, FILE, MEAS,
Accessing the Functionality