Measuring Procedure
User Manual 1801.4949.02 ─ 01
Risk of instrument damage due to continuous input current
The maximum continuous input range is based on heat that is internally
generated during measurement. Always keep the input current below
this level. Exceeding the rated level may result in damage to the probe.
The maximum continuous input range varies according to the frequency
of the current being measured. Refer to the data sheet "R&S RT-Zxx
high voltage and current probes".
The device may sustain damage from self-heating even at current levels
that are lower than the maximum rated current. The maximum rated cur-
rent is a recommended value that assumes sine-wave input under stan-
dard conditions. Self-heating may happen if the ambient temperature
increases or the measurement current waveform contains other fre-
quency components.
If the input current exceeds a certain level, generated heat activates a
built-in safety function that blocks normal output. If this happens,
remove the input immediately (remove the sensor from the conductor
being measured, or reduce the input current to zero). Wait until the sen-
sor has had sufficient time to cool before resuming operation.
Even if the input current does not exceed the rated continuous maxi-
mum current, continuous input for an extended period of time may result
in activation of the safety circuit to prevent damage resulting from heat-
ing of the sensor.
Connecting the Probe to the DUT