Firmware Update
User Manual 1178.5566.02 ─ 05
Preparing an Update
To prepare an update via USB connection:
1. Make sure a recent VISA software is installed. Firmware update with PureFW can
only be performed with the device recognized as a VISA device.
2. Connect the R&S NRX to the PC using a USB cable. If the instrument is off, switch
it on.
Shortly afterwards, the PC should have identified the new USB hardware in case
the instrument is connected via USB.
If no recent VISA software is installed, Windows will try in vain to find a USB driver
for the instrument. If this happens, the instrument is highlighted by a yellow excla-
mation mark in the Windows device manager.
Abort the installation process and install a recent VISA software.
To prepare an update via network connection:
1. Make sure a recent VISA software is installed. Firmware update with PureFW can
only be performed with the device recognized as a VISA device.
2. Connect the R&S NRX to the network. If the instrument is off, switch it on.
To check that the instrument is assigned an IP address, press the hardkey
[System] on the front of the R&S NRX, choose the "Connections" tab, and check
the IPv4 status under "Network":
If the instrument is not assigned an IP address, perform the following:
a) Open the dialog "Network" and check whether the network settings are correct.
b) Check the cable used to connect the instrument to the network.
Firmware Update via PC and USB or Ethernet Connection