Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
Individual Marker Setup
Up to 17 markers or delta markers can be activated for each window simultaneously.
Initial marker setup is performed using the "Marker" dialog box.
The markers are distributed among 3 tabs for a better overview. By default, the first
marker is defined as a normal marker, whereas all others are defined as delta markers
with reference to the first marker. All markers are assigned to trace 1, but only the first
marker is active.
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Assigning the Marker to a Trace
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Selected Marker
Marker name. The marker which is currently selected for editing is highlighted orange.
Remote command:
Marker selected via suffix <m> in remote commands.
Marker State
Activates or deactivates the marker in the diagram.
Marker Usage