Network Operation and Remote Control
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
The main softkey menu of the current mode is displayed.
The measurement diagrams, traces and display fields are displayed again.
If, at the time of pressing the "LOCAL" softkey, the synchronization mechanism via
is active, the currently running measurement procedure is
aborted and synchronization is achieved by setting the corresponding bits in the
registers of the status reporting system.
Bit 6 (User Request) of the Event Status Register is set.
If the status reporting system is configured accordingly, this bit immediately causes
the generation of a service request (SRQ) to inform the control software that the
user wishes to return to front panel control. For example, this can be used to inter-
rupt the control program and to correct instrument settings manually. This bit is set
each time the "LOCAL" softkey is pressed.
Remote command:
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control
Remote operation
You can operate the instrument remotely from a connected computer using SCPI com-
mands. Before you send remote commands you must configure the instrument in a
LAN network or connect it to a PC via the GPIB interface as described in
ter 11.7.1, "How to Configure a Network"
Remote Desktop
In production test and measurement, a common requirement is central monitoring of
the T&M instruments for remote maintenance and remote diagnostics. Equipped with
the Remote Desktop software of Windows, the R&S
FSMR3 ideally meets require-
ments for use in production. The computer that is used for remote operation is called
"controller" here.
The following tasks can be performed using Remote Desktop:
Access to the control functions via a virtual front panel (soft front panel)
Printout of measurement results directly from the controller
Storage of measured data on the controller's hard disk
This documentation provides basic instructions on setting up the Remote Desktop for
the R&S
FSMR3. For details refer to the Windows
10 operating system documentation.
How to Configure a Network
A precondition for operating or monitoring the instrument remotely is that it is connec-
ted to a LAN network or a PC connected to the GPIB interface. Setup is described
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control