Getting Started 2113.7619.02 ─ 12
Information Provided on the R&S
The context-sensitive online help provides quick user assistance, see also
The user manual and the open source acknowledgment are stored in PDF format
C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\DVMS\Host\Help
. You can display
the PDFs using the Adobe Reader that is already installed.
You can access the user manual using the "Help" menu. For further details, see the
chapter "Options and Versions".
To update the PDFs
The PDFs provided on the R&S
DVMS originate from the date of delivery.
► For up-to-date downloads, visit the product site described under
"Information Provided on the R&S
► If you install a new firmware version, the content of the
directory is also
Product Documentation
Getting started
This manual is delivered with the R&S
DVMS in printed form. It is an excerpt from the
user manual (see below) and provides the information needed to set up the
DVMS and start working with it. Also a sample application is described. For
instructions on installation, see the release notes. The printed getting started manual
also includes general information, e.g. the basic safety instructions. In PDF format, it is
included in the user manual to allow quick access to the information needed.
User manual
This manual is part of the firmware ("Help" menu). It provides the necessary informa-
tion to work with the R&S
DVMS. For additional information on default settings and
parameters, see the data sheet.
Online help
The online help is part of the firmware ("Help" menu). It is context-sensitive and pro-
vides quick access to the complete description. To avoid crowding the screen, the
screenshots are omitted.
Product Documentation