File Management
1401.3078.62 3.25
File Management
The instrument uses files to save all instrument data, i.e. system and user data. The user data includes
saved instrument settings, data for the different digital standards, lists for the List mode and the user
correction as well as the waveforms for multcarrier CW generation and the arbitrary waveform
The files are stored on the hard disk of the instrument. Drive D:\ can be used to save user-defined data;
any directory structure can be created on D:\. Some default directories are predefined, but can be
changed at any time.
The C:\ drive is a protected system drive. The files on this drive contain data that must not be changed.
Therefore, this drive should not be accessed, since reconstruction of the system partition will lead to
data loss. To prevent inadvertent deletion or overwriting of system files, this drive is not specified in the
file menus. It can be accessed if a protection level (see protection level, Setup menu) is revoked.
Files can be exchanged either via a memory stick or a connected network.
A memory stick is connected to the USB interface and is assigned to the next free drive.
In the case of a connected network, all network drives that can be accessed are available (see
chapter 1, section "
Connecting the R&S AFQ to a Network (LAN)
" on page 1.25).
The user data can be roughly divided into four data types:
1. Instrument
2. Lists
3. Complex modulation and control data
4. Waveforms
Depending on the data type, a file can either be selected, created or it can be selected and saved. The
files are differentiated according to their extensions; each type of file is assigned a specific file content.
The extension is usually of no consequence to the user since access to the files occurs in the individual
dialogs where only the relevant type of file is available..
1. Settings of the instrument can be loaded and saved in the
menu (see section "
Instrument Settings - File Management
" on page 3.26).
2. Lists, e.g. user correction lists, can be loaded in the
Select List
window. Lists can be generated
either externally or internally. For internal generation, a new list must be created in the window
which will then be edited in the list editor (see section "
" on page 3.21).
3. Complex modulation and control data can be loaded in the
Select List
window. It can be generated
either externally or internally. For internal generation, a new list must be created in the
New List
window which will then be edited in the data and control list editor.
4. Waveforms are generated externally (e.g. by means of the R&S WinIQSIM program that is supplied
together with the instrument) and can be loaded in the
Arbitrary Waveform Generation (ARB)
menu by clicking on the
Load Waveform...
Each of the windows
Select List
Load Waveform
contain buttons/softkeys for the
functions. Internally generated lists can be stored by clicking on the
button in the
Clicking on the
File Manager...
button opens the File Manager window for managing all files (see
section "