Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
of the triangle can be changed to modify the diagram scale and shift the trace verti-
Measured quantity (for the active trace): The measured quantity is indicated in the
trace list; see
"Trace list and trace settings"
A trace can be either a data trace, a memory trace, or a mathematical trace; see
Trace types
The analyzer uses traces to display the current measurement result in a diagram. It is
also capable of storing traces to the memory, recalling stored traces, and defining
mathematical relations between different traces. There are three basic trace types:
Data traces show the current measurement data and are continuously updated as
the measurement goes on. Data traces are dynamic traces.
Memory traces are generated by storing the data trace to the memory. They repre-
sent the state of the data trace at the moment when it was stored. Memory traces
are static traces which can be stored to a file and recalled.
Mathematical traces are calculated according to a mathematical relation between
constants and the data or memory traces of the active recall set. A mathematical
trace that is based on the active data trace is dynamic.
It is possible to generate an unlimited number of memory traces from a data trace and
display them together. Markers and marker functions are available for all trace types.
The type of each trace in a diagram is indicated in the trace list: "MEM<no>" at the
beginning of the trace name indicates a memory trace (with default naming), Math at
the end of the trace label indicates a mathematical trace. You can also hide a trace
("Invisible") without deleting it.
Trace list and trace settings
The main properties of all traces assigned to the diagram are displayed in the trace list
in the upper part of the diagram.
Each line in the trace list describes a single trace. The active trace is highlighted
("Trc5" in the example above). The lines are divided into several sections with the fol-
lowing contents (from left to right):
trace name
appears in the first section. The default names for new traces are
Trc<n> with n automatically selected. A "Mem..." at the beginning of the trace
name indicates a memory trace (default naming). To change the trace names,
open the "Trace Manager" from any trace name segment's context menu.
measured quantity
(e.g. an S-parameter or a ratio) appears on a colored
background. The source port for wave quantities and ratios is indicated in brackets.
Screen elements