GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
File Name 1 / Swap Gates
The ellipsis button in the "File Name 1" column is enabled as long as the "2-Port Data"
network is selected (see
). This network is defined by its S-parame-
ters stored in a two-port Touchstone file (
). No additional parameters are
When loading the touchstone file, the analyzer by default assumes odd ports left (VNA
side), even ports right (DUT side). However, it is also possible to
"Swap Gates"
instructing the analyzer to reinterpret the loaded S-parameters (e.g. S
--> S
The loaded S-parameters are stored in the active recall set. Recall sets contain
the full embedding and deembedding data so that they can be transferred to other
Remote command:
Port Sets panel
The "Port Sets" panel allows you to configure the "Port Sets" to whom a deembedding
or embedding network can be assigned ("Add"," Delete"). The touchstone files defining
these networks can also be selected from here ("...").
> "Port Sets"
The "Port Sets" panel can also be activated by selecting the
description for background information, parameters and additional remote commands.
Move Up / Move Down
Allows you to modify the sequence in which the active port set deembeddings/embed-
dings are applied.
Add / Delete
Allows you to define the "Port Sets" to whom a deembedding or embedding network
can be assigned.
The "Add" button opens the "Define Port Set" dialog that allows you to define an addi-
tional port set, comprising two or more physical ports.
Offset Embed softtool