GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Displayed Columns
that allows you to configure the columns to be
displayed in the current tab.
Resets the "Freq. Conversion" and "Power Conversion" settings of all ports. After
"Reset", an "Apply" or "OK" terminates the arbitrary mode.
Remote command:
Edit Stimulus
For non-segmented sweeps, the "Edit Stimulus..." button opens the
that allows you to access the stimulus settings without having to leave the "Port Set-
tings" dialog.
Apply / OK
Activates or deactivates frequency conversion (arbitrary) mode, depending on the cur-
rent port configuration.
If individual port frequencies are selected, the arbitrary mode is activated.
If individual port powers but no individual frequencies are selected, the current
mode is maintained.
If all port frequencies are equal to the channel base frequency, and all port powers
are equal to the channel base power (e.g. after
, the arbitrary mode is deacti-
Remote command:
[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CONVersion ARBitrary | FUNDamental
Displayed Columns dialog
To reduce complexity and to focus on particular settings, you can limit the columns to
be displayed in the configuration tables. This possibility is particularly suitable for cus-
tom tabs, which allow you to display an arbitrary subset of the available port settings.
Channel Config softtool