GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Lets the firmware determine the adequate wait time between consec-
utive measurement points. The firmware chooses the maximum
settling time
of all measurement points as the con-
stant wait time.
"User Def"
Allows you to set the
wait time per measurement point
Remote command:
Wait Time per Point
For the "User Def"
, you can specify the wait time between sweep
point measurements. If you select a wait time that is smaller than the "Auto" value, the
sweep is faster, but likely at the cost of measurement precision at least for some mea-
surement points.
Remote command:
Sweep Type tab
Defines the sweep variable (frequency/power/time), the position of the sweep points
across the sweep range, and some aspects of sweep execution.
Sweep Softtool