GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
The average factor is also valid for calibration sweeps. The calculation of system cor-
rection data is based on the averaged trace.
Factor / On / Reset
"Factor" defines the number of averaged traces, "On" enables or disables the sweep
average, "Reset" starts a new average cycle. The average cycle is also restarted when
Remote command:
Selects one of the following averaging algorithms:
Automatic selection between
"Reduce Noise"
"Flatten Noise"
mode, depending on the trace type.
"Reduce Noise":
Cumulative moving averages of the real and imaginary parts of
each measurement result, provides the most effective noise suppression for the
"Real" and "Imag" formats and for polar diagrams.
"Flatten Noise":
Cumulative moving averages of the (linear) magnitude and phase
values, provides the most effective noise suppression for the "dB Mag", "Phase",
"Unwr. Phase", and "Lin Mag" formats.
"Moving Average":
Simple moving averages of the real and imaginary parts of
each measurement result; similar to "Reduce Noise", but with finite history.
Changing the mode resets the average cycle.
For frequency conversion measurements, always "Flatten Noise" is used.
Remote command:
Pwr Bw Avg softtool