GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Calculates the arithmetic mean of all samples contained in a sweep
Remote command:
Image Rejection
Selects the image rejection strategy: the higher the number of data acquisitions, the
better the image rejection.
"Off 1 acq." is recommended if you want to evaluate the
Remote command:
Increased Level Accuracy
Disables/enables zero padding.
By default zero padding is used to increase the level accuracy. Not using it can
increase the measurement speed, in particular for multi-channel measurements (at the
possible cost of a small decrease in level accuracy).
Remote command:
Port Settings...
Spectrum Setup dialog
Allows you to set up channels for the spectrum measurement. For spectrum measure-
ments on frequency-converting DUTs, the "Spectrum Setup" dialog also comprises the
mixer configuration.
Figure 5-9: Spectrum Setup dialog (non frequency-converting DUT)
If you want the R&S
ZNA to generate a stimulus signal while making the spectrum
measurement, you have to configure a generator ("Source Gen") port in the
Meas softtool