Command reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
<Standard>, <TestPort1>[, <SecondPortOrAdapter>]
Reloads a set of previously acquired calibration data for a particular standard from a
file in the cal pool. The loaded data may be combined with new calibration measure-
ment data (
) in order
to simplify and speed up the new calibration procedure. The channel settings for loa-
ded and new calibrations (e.g. the number of sweep points) must be identical.
The analyzer performs a consistency check for the loaded data. If the loaded file is
incompatible with the channel settings of channel
, or if it does not contain
data for the specified standard and port(s), a command error message (
"Command error;...") is generated.
For a sliding match, the R&S
ZNA can acquire and load measurement data for up
to 20 positions per port. Multiple calls of
[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:LOAD:SELected <CalGroupFile>,
SLIDe, <TestPort>
for the same cal group file and test port, implicitly increases
the position until position 20 has been recorded. Subsequent calls will start over at
position 1, overwriting the previously loaded data.
Channel number of the calibrated channel
String parameter to specify the name of the loaded cal group
THRough | OPEN | SHORt | OSHort | OSHort1 | OSHort2 |
OSHort3 | MATCh | NET | ATT | REFL | SLIDe | ISOLation |
LINE | LINe1 | LINe2 | LINe3 | UTHRough | POWer | MIXer |
TERMination | EATTenuator
Test port number. For a transmission standard (through, line,
attenuation, symmetric network) or an adapter used as a
"through" the input and output port numbers must be specified.
For reflection standards, only one port number is required.
Setting parameters:
For a transmission standard or an adapter used as a "through"
this parameter specifies the second test port.
For reflection measurements with an adapter connected
between port and standard, set it to ON.
Otherwise set it to OFF or simply omit it.
SCPI command reference